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The QSP applet works in two different modes:

  • Age Per Minute
  • Absolute Priority

The mode depends on the behavior type of the Automatic Call Distributor (ACD) applet in the QSP applet's interaction plan. If Behavior Type is Longest Waiting, the applet works in Age Per Minute mode. If Behavior Type is Skills Based, the applet works in Absolute Priority mode.

Insert excerpt_ExcerptCallsOnly_ExcerptCallsOnlynopaneltrueFor more information about using the QSP applet to prioritize callsinteractions, seeĀ Prioritizing interactions.


Set Queue PriorityHighest, Higher, Normal, Lower, Lowest

The priority of calls interactions that are routed through this applet.

titleIn Age Per Minute mode...

Select Highest to set the queue priority value to 0.9.
Select Higher to set the queue priority value to 0.75.
Select Normal to set the queue priority value to 0.5.
Select Lower to set the queue priority value to 025.
Select Lowest to set the queue priority value to 0.1.

The applet performs the following calculation:

(Age Per Minute*) x (actual age of callinteraction) x (queue priority value)

NewVoiceMedia assigns the call interaction with the highest result first.

*The value of Age Per Minute is set in the ACD applet.

titleIn Absolute Priority mode...

NewVoiceMedia assigns the call interaction with the highest priority first.

Next AppletList of available appletsThe applet that the call interaction is routed to next.

Priority Options