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This feature provides a local telephony presence for NewVoiceMedia customers in mainland Europe. This local presence improves call quality to Eastern and Southern Europe, and Russia.

ContactPad with Screen Lock for NewVoiceMedia extension

The Screen Lock for NewVoiceMedia extension can update an agent's state whenever their computer locks—either manually by the agent or automatically due to inactivity.

By default, with or without the Screen Lock for NewVoiceMedia extension, when an agent's computer locks, the agent's state in ContactPad remains unchanged. NewVoiceMedia will continue to deliver interactions based on the agent's ContactPad state. If the agent was available to handle interactions before their computer locks, NewVoiceMedia may deliver interactions that the agent is not able to handle while their computer is locked.

Using the Screen Lock for NewVoiceMedia extension, an agent can ensure that their state is updated whenever their computer locks. The agent can choose from Away, Extended Away or Log Out states, plus any minor states within these major states. Changing the agent's state to one of these states will prevent NewVoiceMedia from delivering interactions that the agent is unable to handle because their computer is locked.