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How do I set up a


Vonage Contact Center agent in Salesforce?

For an agent to use NewVoiceMedia Vonage Contact Center in Salesforce, you must perform the following tasks:

  • Link the agent to their Salesforce user record. For information about linking an agent to their Salesforce user record, see 230570230.

  • Add the agent as a NewVoiceMedia Vonage Contact Center call center user. For information about adding an agent as a NewVoiceMedia Vonage Contact Center call center user, see 230570230. You can alternatively add a batch of agents as call center users. For information about adding multiple agents, see 230570230.

If enabled for your account, you can create NewVoiceMedia Vonage Contact Center user accounts based on existing Salesforce users. For information about creating NVM users from Salesforce, see Creating Vonage Contact Center user accounts for existing Salesforce users.

Linking a


Vonage Contact Center agent to their Salesforce user record

To use NewVoiceMedia Vonage Contact Center in Salesforce an agent must be able to see and use ContactPad when they log in to Salesforce. You must add two settings to the agent's Salesforce user record:

  • The agent's ID. This links the NewVoiceMedia Vonage Contact Center agent with their Salesforce user record.
  • The call center that the agent will use. This makes ContactPad appear in Salesforce and connects Salesforce to the required call center. For information about specifying the call center that the agent will use, see 230570230.

How do I link the


Vonage Contact Center agent to their Salesforce user record?

To enable agents to use NewVoiceMedia Vonage Contact Center in Salesforce, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to Users within Setup in Salesforce.
  2. Alongside the user record for the agent you want to enable NewVoiceMedia Vonage Contact Center for, click Edit. User Edit appears.

  3. Scroll to the Additional Information section and type the user's agent ID in the NVM Agent Id field.


    If you cannot see the NVM Agent Id field, you are either not using the correct page layout, or the page layout does not have this field. For information on assigning the required page layout or on adding the field to the page layout, see 230570230 or 230570230.

    Click Save.

  4. Click Save.

Your NewVoiceMedia Vonage Contact Center agent is now linked to their Salesforce user record.

Adding NVM Agent Id field to your User page layout


To use NewVoiceMedia Vonage Contact Center in Salesforce, a NewVoiceMedia Vonage Contact Center agent must have a corresponding Salesforce user record. This enables NewVoiceMedia Vonage Contact Center to update Salesforce records with agent actions. To link the NewVoiceMedia Vonage Contact Center agent with their Salesforce user record, add the agent's user ID to their user record in a field called NVM Agent Id. For information about adding an agent's ID to their user record, see 230570230.

To add the agent's ID, you must make the NVM Agent Id field available on their user record.

If you are using the NVM_User page layout—installed when you install NewVoiceMedia Vonage Contact Center into Salesforce—you do not need to perform the following steps. If you want to use a different page layout, you must add the NVM Agent Id field to that page layout.

To add NVM Agent Id to your User page layout, perform the following steps.

  1. Go to your User object's Page Layouts within Setup in Salesforce.
  2. Locate the page layout that you want to add the NVM Agent Id field to and click Edit alongside. The page layout appears in edit mode.
  3. In the top section, click Fields. The available fields to be added to the page appear.
    Drag the NVM Agent Id field down to the Additional Information area.

  4. Click Save. The page layout is saved.

To use this field, you must now assign the page layout to different user profiles. For information on how to assign page layouts, see 230570230.



A user's profile determines which page layout or layouts a NewVoiceMedia Vonage Contact Center user sees in different areas of Salesforce. You can assign appropriate page layouts to profiles.

To assign page layouts to user profiles, perform the following steps.


You can assign any page layout or layouts to your user profiles. These steps assign the NVM_User page layout to all profiles as an example.

Users who are responsible for adding agents' IDs to their corresponding Salesforce records must use a page layout that contains the NVM Agent Id field. For more information about the NVM Agent Id field, see 230570230. This field is available by default in the NVM_User page layout.

  1. Go to User Page Layouts within Setup in Salesforce.
  2. Click Page Layout Assignment. Page Layout Assignment appears.
  3. Click Edit Assignment. Edit Page Layout Assignment appears.
  4. Click the Page Layout column header.
    All available profiles are selected.

  5. In the Page Layout To Use field, select the NVM_Users page layout.


    If you select a different page layout, the layout must contain the NVM Agent Id field. You use this field to set up agents to use NewVoiceMediaVonage Contact Center. For information on adding this field and where this field is used, see 230570230 and 230570230.

    Click Save. All user profiles now see the NVM_Users page layout when they create or edit user records.

Adding agents call center users

To use NewVoiceMedia Vonage Contact Center in Salesforce an agent must be able to see and use ContactPad when they log in to Salesforce. You must add two settings to the agent's Salesforce user record:

  • The agent's ID. This links the NewVoiceMedia Vonage Contact Center agent with their Salesforce user record. For information about linking the NewVoiceMedia Vonage Contact Center agent to their Salesforce user record, see 230570230.
  • The call center that the agent will use. This makes ContactPad appear in Salesforce and connects Salesforce to the required call center.

How do I add a single agent as a


Vonage Contact Center call center user?

To add an agent as a NewVoiceMedia Vonage Contact Center call center user, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to Users within Setup in Salesforce.
  2. Alongside the user record for the agent you want to enable NewVoiceMedia Vonage Contact Center for, click Edit. User Edit appears.
  3. Scroll to the Call Center field and click the search icon next to the field.


    If you have already added this agent as a call center user, skip to step 5.

    Lookup appears in a new browser window.

  4. Click NewVoiceMedia For Vonage Contact Center For Salesforce to set the call center for this user to NewVoiceMediaVonage Contact Center.
  5. Click Save.

The agent is now added as a call center user.

How do I add multiple agents as


Vonage Contact Center call center users?

To add call center users, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to Call Centers in Setup in Salesforce.
  2. In the list of call centers, click NewVoiceMedia Vonage Contact Center for Salesforce. The call center record appears.
  3. In the Call Center Users section, click Manage Call Center Users. NewVoiceMedia Vonage Contact Center for Salesforce: Manage Users appears.
  4. Click Add More UsersNewVoiceMedia Vonage Contact Center For Salesforce: Search for New Users appears.
  5. Using the search form, select search criteria to locate the agents you want to add. Alternatively leave all filters blank to find all agents, other than any who are already listed as call center users.

    Click Find. The search results appear below the search form.

  6. Select all agents in the search results that you want to add, and click Add to Call Center.
