When an agent makes a call using NewVoiceMediaVonage Contact Center, the agent can set a disposition code associated with that call. For more information about disposition codes, see Disposition codes for Vonage Contact Center in Salesforce.


If your agents use Log a Call to add notes and other details during a call, you can configure disposition codes in the Log a Call area. If your agents do not use Log a Call, you can still configure disposition codes using custom components and Apex. For information about configuring disposition codes using custom components and Apex, see Configuring disposition codes for Vonage Contact Center in Salesforce#Configuring disposition codes for NewVoiceMedia Vonage Contact Center in Salesforce#Configuring disposition codes using custom components and Apex.


An agent can now see and use the disposition code field in the Log a Call area. For information about setting the disposition code, see Setting disposition codes for Vonage Contact Center in Salesforce.

How can I ensure that Salesforce notifies


Vonage Contact Center whether an agent has provided a disposition code?

If the enforced disposition codes feature is enabled for your account, you must firstly configure the feature in NewVoiceMediaVonage Contact Center. For information about configuring the enforced disposition codes feature in NewVoiceMediaVonage Contact Center, see Configuring enforced disposition codes. You must then configure Salesforce to notify NewVoiceMedia Vonage Contact Center whether an agent has provided a disposition code.

To configure Salesforce to notify NewVoiceMedia Vonage Contact Center whether the agent has provided a disposition code, add the following information to custom settings:

Custom Settings fieldDescriptionExample
Log a Call Disposition Code Field

The disposition code field's API name.

You must have added the disposition code field to the Log a Call area as described in the previous section.

ContactWorld Account Key

Your NewVoiceMedia Vonage Contact Center account key.

You must also set your API token for the account key. For information about setting your API token, see Configuring Vonage Contact Center API authentication tokens.

You may have already added this information to configure another feature.



When an agent clicks to save their changes in Log a Call, Salesforce notifies NewVoiceMedia Vonage Contact Center whether the agent has provided a value in the specified disposition code field.


If enabled for your account, you can configure NewVoiceMedia Vonage Contact Center in Salesforce to automatically set the disposition code for an outbound call based on what happened to the call. To configure this feature, you must map call outcomes to disposition codes.


If the enforced disposition codes feature is enabled for your account and your agents use custom components during a call rather than Log a Call, you can configure the custom component to set disposition codes as required.

How do I configure a custom component to set a disposition code for a call in


Vonage Contact Center?

To configure the custom component to set disposition codes, call the SetDispositionCodeForCurrentCall method in the DispositionCodeService class provided in the NewVoiceMedia Vonage Contact Center package. Use the following Apex code in your component:


When your custom component runs the configured Apex code, the DispositionCodeService sets the disposition code for the call in NewVoiceMediaVonage Contact Center.

Visualforce example

You can use the DispositionCodeService Visualforce or Lightning @AuraEnabled methods.


titleFlows example

To use the DispositionCodeService in a Flow, wrap the code inside a custom class that is an @InvocableMethod:

Code Block
titleDispositionCodeService in @InvocableMethod wrapper
global class DispositionFlow {
    @InvocableMethod (label = 'Set Disposition Code for Current Call' description = 'Set the disposition code for the users current call in NewVoiceMediaVonage Contact Center.')
    global static void SetDispositionCode(List<String> params) {
        if (params.size() != 1) {
            // Error?
            System.debug('You should pass only 1 disposition code to this method.');
        String dispositionCode = params[0];
        NVMContactWorld.DispositionCodeService dispositionCodeService = new NVMContactWorld.DispositionCodeService();

When you have created the Apex class, use the Flow Builder to create a flow that uses the class:

  1. Add an Apex Action to your flow.
  2. Choose the Apex class you created.
  3. In Set Input Values, click to include input values.
  4. Type the value or search for resources to set the disposition code to and click Done.


The SetDispositionCodeForCurrentCall method makes HTTP callouts to NewVoiceMediaVonage Contact Center, so you cannot run DML statements, asynchronous Apex (such as future methods and batch Apex jobs), or scheduled Apex, or send email before calling this code. For further information, see Salesforce help.


titleExample of SetDispositionCodeForCurrentCall within a future method

Code Block
titleDispositionCodeService in a future wrapper
public class DispositionCodeServiceFutureWrapper
    public static void SetDispositionCodeForCurrentCallInFuture(String dispositionCode)
         NVMContactWorld.DispositionCodeService dispositionCodeService = new NVMContactWorld.DispositionCodeService();

Code Block
titleCode that makes call to SetDispositionCodeForCurrentCallInFuture method
public class YourCode
    public void YourMethod()
        // --EXAMPLE-- DML statement require before callout
        Example__c obj = new Example__c(Name = 'Test');
        insert obj;
        // Call to @future method, which will then callout to NewVoiceMediaVonage Contact Center
