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When an agent makes or receives a call, if call recording is enabled and configured, the agent can record the call. For information about recording calls, see Call recording. Call recordings are stored in ContactWorld. To access the call recordings, you must log in to ContactWorld and locate the recording in the Call Recordings module. Alternatively, you can embed a call recording player in Salesforce task records that are created at the end of calls.

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You can also add links to call recordings to task records. For information about adding call recording links, see Adding a call recording link to Salesforce tasks.


Page Tree
rootConfiguring ContactWorld in Salesforce (optional tasks)


call recordings in task records


At the top of the list of Visualforce pages, click New.



A new Visualforce Page appears.


New VisualForce PageImage Removed

Type the following information:





New VisualForce PageImage Removed

Copy the following code and paste in to Visual Markup:

Code Block
titleEmbedding a call recording player
<apex:page showHeader="false" sidebar="false" standardController="Task">
<apex:iframe src="{!Task.CallObject}&amp;autoplay=false" scrolling="true"/>
titleSet cloud number
The URL in the example code accesses call recordings on Cloud x. If you want to access call recordings on a different cloud, change the cloud number—the number after 'cloud'—in the URL accordingly. For example, to access the call recordings on Cloud 12345, use{!Task.CallObject}&autoplay=false.



If the Quality Management feature is enabled for your account, you can use the enhanced call recording player. For information about configuring Quality Management, see Configuring Quality Management in Salesforce.

How do I configure the Call Recording Player in Salesforce Classic?

If you are using Salesforce Classic, you must embed the Call Recording Player page into Salesforce tasks.

To embed the Call Recording Player page in task records, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to your Task object's Page Layouts within Setup in Salesforce.
  2. Locate the page layout that you want to add the embedded player callback action to and click Edit alongside. The page layout appears in edit mode.
  3. In the top section, click Visualforce Pages. The available pages appear.

    InfoOptionally add a new section Add a new section and name it Call recordingRecording Player. For information about adding new Sections to page layouts, see see Salesforce help.
  4. Section Column
    Drag Embed Player

    In the top section, click Visualforce Pages. The available pages appear.

  5. Drag the Call Recording Player page down to the

    new Call recording section.

    new Call Recording Player section.
    Call Recording Player in task page layoutImage Added

  6. Click the spanner icon in the upper-right corner of the

    embedded player to edit the size of the player and so on. Column

    Call Recording Player page and set the width to 100%, the height to 250 and uncheck Show scrollbars. Click OK.

    Call Recording Player page propertiesImage Modified
  7. Click Save. The task page layout is saved. When you open a task record with a call recording, the call recording is played automatically.


  1. Call Recording Player page appears.
    Call Recording Player task pageImage Added

How do I configure the Call Recording Player in Salesforce Lightning Experience?

If you are using Salesforce Lightning Experience, you must embed the Call Recording Player page into Salesforce tasks.

To embed the Call Recording Player page in task records, perform the following steps:

  1. Open a task record in Salesforce. Click the cog icon at the top right and click Edit Page. The task record's page layout appears.
  2. If you have previously added Call Recording Player in Salesforce Classic, delete the Call Recording Player section.
  3. In the left-hand panel, click VisualForce. A new VisualForce page appears on your page layout.
  4. In the Visualforce Page Name list in the right-hand panel, click Call Recording Player. Your newly added Visualforce page is changed to the Call Recording Player page.
  5. In the Height (in pixels) field, type 250.
    Call Recording Player in task page layoutImage Added
  6. Click Save. The task page layout is saved. When you open a task record with a call recording, the Call Recording Player page appears.
    Call Recording Player in task recordImage Added

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