Printable version of the checklist: ConfiguringConnectConfiguring Connect.pdf
Must-do tasks
For new installations, to prepare all versions of Connect you must perform the following tasks:
For supervisors and agents to fulfill their tasks in Connect, you must give them the correct access. For information about the access they require, see Setting up users, permissions and sharing rules.
9. Enable agents to use Connect
For information about enabling agents to use Connect, see Enabling an agent to use Connect.
You can optionally further customize your installation of ContactWorld for your organization by configuring the following features.
Configure disposition codes (call actions)
Installing Connect provides a default list of disposition codes. You can add new disposition codes to this list. For information about adding disposition codes, see Configuring disposition codes (call actions).
If dynamic Dial Lists are enabled for your account, you can configure the number of Dial Entries that Connect creates and how often Connect refreshes Dial Lists. For information configuring dynamic Dial List settings, see Configuring dynamic Dial Lists.
Remove the Clone button
If you are using Dial List and Dial List Entry page layouts that have a Clone button, the Clone button is redundant. For information about removing the clone button, see Removing the Clone button.
Automate callback numbers
To configure the callback number presented to the person an agent is calling, you must create an Apex class that implements the NVMContactWorld.ISelectPresentedClid interface. For information about this feature, see Automating callback numbers in Connect.
Add phone fields to Dial List picklists
To make a new phone field available in the phone picklists when you create a new Dial List, you must add the new phone fields to the Create New Dial List or Create New List page. For information about this feature, see Adding a phone field to picklists for new Dial Lists.
Make Connect information visible on page layouts and list views
If you have upgraded Connect and cannot see certain custom fields in Dial List records and views, you need to add the custom fields to page layouts and list views. For information about adding the fields, see Making Connect information visible on page layouts and list views.
Remove Connect components that are no longer required
Sometimes we remove components from the managed package but cannot remove them from your org. You can remove these components yourself. For information about removing components, see Removing decommissioned Connect components from your Salesforce org.
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