Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

The following table provides information about each of the fields within the transaction log record:

NameA system generated sequence. The name is always unique in the Salesforce org and is prefixed by TX.
TimeA time stamp of when the transaction started.

Indicates the operation performed which will The type of transaction. Type can be one of :

Fetching Interaction Statistics

the following values:

  • Name of a channel appended with {StatisticTypeTimeWindow}. Represents a transaction that attempted to retrieve ContactWorld data for a configured ChannelNaming convention comprises channel name, stats channel. The type's name consists of the name of the related channel plus statistics type and interval rangeE.g. for Default channel, Inbound, 15 mins: Default . For example, for a transaction using the 'Default Settings in Install' channel to retrieve 15 minutes of inbound interaction data, type is Default Settings on Install {IN15}A Transaction that occurred as a result of clicking .
  • Name of a channel appended with << TEST FROM SETUP PAGE >> {IN5}. Represents a transaction initiated by the Test IB Calls buttonName of a channel appended with . The type's name consists of the name of the select channel plus << TEST FROM SETUP PAGE >> {IN5}. 
  • Watchdog
  • Represents a scheduled watchdog run
  • . Represents one of the four scheduled Apex jobs included in the Advanced Reporting and Statistics package. One of these watchdog transactions runs by default every 15 minutes.
  • AnalyticsLoaderFetches Speech Analytics data to augment interaction statisticsAnalyticsLoader. A transaction of AnalyticsLoader type retrieves additional data for the conversation analyzer feature if enabled for your account.
ChannelThe name of the channel used in the transaction.
Summaries SavedThe total number of agent or call summary records created or updated from data retrieved by the transaction.
Bytes ReadThe total number of bytes in data retrieved for all invocations of the Stats API in this transaction.
Rows ProcessedThe total number of events—agent states, outbound calls or inbound calls—retrieved from ContactWorld.
HeapThe peak heap size recorded during this transaction.
LimitsDiagnostic data on the percentage consumption of per-transaction Salesforce Governor Limits
SizeSize of the Log text
Logs & and Logs2

The log text for the transaction. Delimited Log records are delimited by new lines; per entry columns are delimited by pipe ("|") characters, see below.

Logs is contains the first 131072 bytes of log data; Logs2 is where more than 131072 bytes of log data is available, Logs2 contains the last 131072 bytes where there is more log data than fits into the first Log field alone.

Each row of information in the Logs fieldcontains a new log entry.

A log record consists of the following information:

  • Milliseconds after start of the transaction.
  • ERROR flag, if applicable, . If no error, value is blank.
  • Label of originating module in the package.
  • Log message text.

A pipe character (|) separates the items in the log records.

For example, the following log record was created at 49 ms after the start of the transaction; the log record represents an error that occurred in the Constants class; the log message is "Set ORG_TIMEZONE_KEY failed; defaulted to: Europe/London":

49|ERROR|Constants|Set ORG_TIMEZONE_KEY failed; defaulted to: Europe/London

Some log records appear only the first time the event occurs to save memory but support debugging. For example, the following log record contains details of an event that occurred multiple times. "<<First Time>>" indicates that the event occurred subsequently:

139||StatsSummaryHelper|<<First Time>> getTimeOffsetMins(Europe/London) : 0

Is Last InboundIndicates that this was the last inbound call statistics log for this channel
FailedIndicates transactions that encountered a fatal error, such as misconfiguration and that in the Logs/Logs2 data there will be more information on the ERROR . Logs or Logs2 will include more information about the error encountered.
TimezoneThe time zone that the transaction ran in and in which a subsequent one will run
Transaction Group

A concatenation of transaction type, channel and time. Transaction Group is useful in grouping transactions when reporting so. For example, for example you can see you could report on how many transactions ran per for each channel per each hour over for the last few hours.

IntervalNumber of seconds spanned by the transaction. For example, an interval of 300 indicates that the transaction spanned 300s 300 seconds or 5 minutes worth of data.   Only values equating to whole numbers of minutes are currently supported.
Window End

The time up to which data was

fetched.  If you subtract the Interval, you can derive the time span of the interaction starts or agent event starts which would have been fetched


Channel CheckedIndicator that this is a transaction that the system resumed from after sleeping or another interruption, such as a Salesforce maintenance window.
DurationElapsed Transaction transaction run time in milliseconds; not the same as the CPU time which will be far less.  The . Includes the amount of time it took from Transaction start to completing from the transaction starting to the transaction having saved all the new or updated data in SalesforceDuration is not the same as the CPU time which will be far less.
ReQueued JobID of any job requeued if this transaction was a resume point (see Channel Checked above).
