To enable Vonage Contact Center (VCC) Anywhere to can pop a custom URL when an agent receives an inbound call, you . You must configure three data sources within your interaction plan :to enable this.
Note |
VCC Anywhere popping must also be enabled for your VCC account. |
Data source | Description |
CTI|integration | Determines whether you are using custom screen pops. To use custom screen pops, set CTI|integration to 'weblaunch'. |
CTI|entityType | Determines where the screen pop appears. To pop the custom URL into a new tab within your existing browser window, set CTI|entityType to ‘normal'. If the popped URL is already open in a browser tab, the new screen pop refreshes that tab. To pop the custom URL into a new browser window, set CTI|entityType to 'popup'. |
CTI|entityId | Determines the URL to pop. Using either the Set Data Source or Data Connector applets, construct URLs to pop pages specific to the inbound interaction, for example a ticket number the caller provided or their phone number. For example: |