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While on call, you can add another agent to consult with them about the call. To do so, click Add Caller and select an agent from the list that appears.

titleIdentifying agents

You can identify agents by the following icon:

Image Added

Their availability is shown in brackets after their names, for example, "(Available)", "(Busy)", or "(Offline)". For information about availabilities, see Add Callers or Transfer Calls (Salesforce help).

This puts the original call on hold while you are connected to the agent chosen from the list. You can then perform one of the following actions:


Alternatively, you can consult with a VCC interaction plan—or, more specifically, a VCC agent servicing the interaction plan—or transfer (warm or cold) to an interaction plan. To do so, click Add Caller and select an interaction plan from the presented list.

titleIdentifying interaction plans

You can identify interaction plans by the following icon:

Image Added

This puts the original call on hold while you are connected to the interaction plan. You can either hang up to perform a cold transfer to the interaction plan, or wait to be connected to an agent to consult. You you wait to be connected, on connection, you can perform the same tasks as described for a consult to agent in the previous paragraph.


  • Chats. Use the transfer button in the chat interface to transfer a chat to any of the following. For information about transferring a chat, see Transfer Chats (Salesforce help).
    • A user

    • A chat button

    • A Salesforce queue

    • A Salesforce skill
  • Cases. You can transfer a case by changing the case owner to one of the following. For information about transferring a record by changing the record's owner, see Change a Record’s Owner (Salesforce help).

    • A user

    • A Salesforce queue

With Vonage Contact Center and Vonage Business Communications integration

If your VCC and VBC accounts are integrated, when you click Add Caller in the Omni-Channel utility your contacts list includes contacts in your VBC account along with the usual agents, queues, and interaction plans.

titleIdentifying VBC users

You can identify VBC users by the following icon:

Image Added

"(VBC)" is also added to the end of their user name.

Their availability is shown in brackets after their names, for example, "(Available)" or "(Busy)". For information about availabilities, see Add Callers or Transfer Calls (Salesforce help). Note that, due to a limitation, VBC users appear as Available even when logged out.

You can consult with a VBC user, and optionally transfer the call to them. Alternatively, you can merge the original and consult calls.

To show only VBC users in the transfer list, filter Search Transfer Destinations by Directory.


If SCV and transcription are enabled for your account, Vonage transcribes your calls. Transcription turns your customer's and your speech into text in real time. During a call, the transcript appears in the call's voice call record so you can see the transcription text alongside customer data.
