Sentiment | Information | Sentiment summary and scores from Conversation Analyzer, if sentiment analysis is enabled for your account The field comprises: - Overall sentiment score rated 0-100
- Percentage of conversation with very negative sentiment
- Percentage of conversation with negative sentiment
- Percentage of conversation with neutral sentiment
- Percentage of conversation with positive sentiment
- Percentage of conversation with very positive sentiment
- Ten sentiment scores scaled from -1 to +1 sampled at regular intervals: <0–10%, <10%–20%, and so on until <90–100%.
Example Overall:+0.65, VeryNegative:05, Negative:025, Neutral:10040, Positive:020, VeryPositive:010, Scores:+0.00,+0.00,-0.11,+0.00,+0.00,+0.00,+0.56,+0.61,+0.75,+0.77 The sentiment scores are also presented in the embedded Conversation Analyzer within Vonage Call Summary records. For information, see Analyzing a call recording in Conversation Analyzer in Salesforce. |