- HangUpIVR. The interaction ended before entering a queue.
Delivered. The queue delivered the interaction to an agent.
Info title Callbacks Delivered callbacks will have an outcome of Delivered. HangUpInQueue. The interaction finished within the queue.
- Breakout. The caller broke out of the queue voluntarily.
- QueueTimeout. The interaction was removed from the queue based on your Queue Duration Timeout configuration.
- NoAgentsLoggedIn. The interaction was removed from the queue based on your No Agents Breakout configuration.
- MaxEstimatedWaitTime. The interaction was removed from the queue based on your Estimated Wait Time Breakout configuration.
- AgentRejected. The agent rejected the interaction which was a personal call.
- Callback. The interaction left the queue and ended after reaching a callback applet.
- CallbackQueued. The virtual interaction which queued on behalf of a caller.
- CallbackDuplicate. The call requested a callback from the same Callback applet a subsequent time.
- Other. The max queue length was exceeded.