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In the User Admin area of the VCC Admin Portal, you can manage your users, skills, schedules, and licenses in the account you are logged in to.


User Admin is the area within the VCC Admin Portal in which you manage users, groups, skills, schedules, and licenses in the account you are logged in to.

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To access User Admin, perform the following steps: 


see and edit agent users who are not assigned to any group User Routing Settings
PermissionDescriptionDefault values
Access User AdminAllows you to access to User Admin in the VCC Admin Portal.yesyes
Create User user 

Allows you to create new users at or below your license level. Alongside this permission, Edit User permission has to also be granted, to allow user creation.

For example, if as a supervisor user you have the Create User permission, you can create new users with agent, wallboard, or supervisor licenses. You cannot create a user with an admin license.

yesnoView Unassigned Users
Delete group and skillAllows you to delete groups and skills.yesno
Edit userAllows you to edit sections with user configuration (Personal Data, License Status, Agent Settings, Permission Settings) under user edition page.yesno
Manage routing settingsAllows to edit Routing Settings section in a single user edition page and in bulk actions box; also allows to manage (create new and edit existing) Group and Skills from respective tabs in User Admin. yesyes
View unassigned UsersAllows you to see and edit agent users who are not assigned to any group.



How do I find what I'm looking for?


Use the Users, Groups, Skills, Schedules, and Licenses tabs to switch between users, groups, skills, schedules, and licenses lists. Each tab has its own URL, so you can go directly to the tab using the representative URLs. For example, go to https://*** for the skills tab, where *** represents the subdomain for the region of your VCC account. 
