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You can configure the LogACall Lightning component only in either the page layout or the utility bar; the component cannot appear in both locationsis not supported in the page layout. If you have already added the LogACall Lightning component to the page payout, remove it before following these steps.


  1. Go to App Manager within Setup in Salesforce.
  2. Locate the Lightning app you want to add LogACall to, click the arrow on the right-hand side and click Edit. Lightning App Builder appears.
    Edit Lightning appImage Removed
  3. In APP SETTINGS, click Utility Items. Utility Items appears.
  4. Click Add Utility Item. A list of utility items appears.
  5. Locate and click LogACall in the list of components. LogACall appears in the list of added components.
  6. Edit the following properties for the component:

    LabelThe name that appears on the utility bar button.Log a Call
    IconThe icon that appears on the utility bar button.note (or another suitable icon)
    Panel WidthThe width of the utility bar panel.500
    Panel HeightThe height of the utility bar panel.510
    Start AutomaticallyDetermines whether Salesforce should start the utility bar component automatically when the page loads.Checked

  7. Click Save.
  8. Repeat steps 3 to 8 for all the Lightning apps you want to add the LogACall Lightning component to.