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or section






The name of the skill. This name appears everywhere the skill is used.

Type the a name that best describes the skill you want to appear in the user interface in relation to this group.


The USERS section contains users section shows the number of users and a list of the users that this skill is assigned to.

  • To
view or change the users that
  • assign the skill
is assigned
  • to
, click USERS. A new skill contains only a text field; an existing skill contains a list of users, that this skill is currently assigned to, in addition to the text field.To assign the skill to a user, click in the text field
  • a single user or a selection of users, click Select users to add to skill and, optionally, start typing
the name of the user you wish to assign the skill to
  • . A list of available users, filtered by any text you have typed, appears. Click the user or users you want to assign the skill to.
The list remains visible so you can assign the skill to multiple users
  • Click Apply.
  • To assign the skill to all available users, click Add
  • all.
  • To remove all users that the skill is currently assigned to, click
Clear All
  • Remove all.
  • To remove an existing user, click the
  • (minus) icon alongside the existing user's name in the list.

The user or users appear in the list along with their skill level. The level indicates how proficient a user is in the skill; the default skill level for newly added users is 5. Skill levels are used to determine which agent to route an interaction to. In a scenario where two agents, with otherwise identical characteristics, are available to handle an interaction at the same time, the agent with the highest level in a mandatory or unexpired skill will receive the interaction.

To set the skill level for a user for the skill, click the appropriate number on the slider.