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Progressive dialing enhances the functionality of Connect by automating agent tasks.



When the agent manually, or Connect automatically, progresses to the next record or call, the next customer detail record appears. If the Dial List mode is Automatic, Connect additionally initiates the call to the customer. For information about dialing modes, see Dialing modes.

How does Connect determine


which disposition code to set for a call?

Connect uses disposition code mappings to determine the disposition code for a call. The mappings include the name of the disposition code and the call outcomes that map to that code.

When an agent ends a call, Connect uses the call outcome to locate the disposition code to use for the call.

For information about how to configure setting the disposition code for a call based on the call's outcome, see Configuring progressive dialing.

How does Connect determine whether to progress to the next call or record for the agent to handle?

Connect uses disposition code mappings options to determine whether to progress to the agent's last call was connectednext record for the agent to handle. Disposition code mappings include the name of the disposition code and a Connected flag. The Connected flag indicates whether the disposition code relates to a connected call.Connect progresses to the agent's next call if the agent's last call was connected Progression Mode option. The following Progression Mode options are available:

  • Continue to next record. If a disposition code has the Continue to next record option selected and the agent's last call has that disposition code, Connect will continue to the next record and the next customer detail record appears automatically. When the agent clicks Dial, their next call will be to the first number on that record. This option applies best to disposition codes that indicate that the agent spoke with the customer or left the customer a voice message.
  • Continue to next call. If a disposition code has the Continue to next call option selected and the agent's last call has that disposition code,
    Connect will continue to the next call and the agent's next call will be to the next number on the current record. This option ensures that Connect dials all the customer's phone numbers specified in the phone number fields in for the dial list. Connect dials the numbers in the configured order before moving on to the next record.

    The agent can select an intended state during a call to enable them to complete work for the call, or take a break in between calls dialed automatically by Connect. For information about intended states, see Agent states in ContactPad.

    If Connect has dialed all the required numbers for the current record then Connect moves on to the next record. 
    This option applies best to disposition codes that indicate that the agent has not spoken with the customer.

  • Stay on current record. If a disposition code has the Stay on current record option selected and the agent's last call has that disposition code, Connect will stay on the current record. The agent can perform post-call tasks on that record, such as making notes.

Connect does not progress to the agent's next call record if the agent's last call was not connecteddoes not have an applicable disposition code, unless the agent has dialed every number in the related customer detail record.

For information about configuring progressive dialinghow to configure Connect to progress to the next call, next record, or stay on the current record, see Configuring progressive dialing.