categories . Categories represent groups of defined phrases that an agent or customer uses during a call.category . A single category represents a defined phrase type that an agent or customer uses during a call.categories . (v2 and v3 only)subcategories . (v1 only)name .
guid . Unique identifier of the recording’s call. guid will match the unique identifier specified in the request.language . The ISO code for the language used when transcribing the call. (v3 only)status . The state of the end-to-end processing of the call recording. status is one of the following values:- processing. The recording is being processed.
- processed. The recording has been processed.
- failed. The processing of the recording failed.
confidence . The level of confidence in the transcript. confidence is one of the following values:callTimeBreakdown . The time, in seconds, that the recording included one of the following:- agent. Time when only the agent was talking.
- customer. Time when only the customer was talking.
- silence. Time when nobody was talking.
- crossTalk. Time when the agent and customer were both talking.
transcript . If the transcript request parameter was true, then transcript contains a transcript of the recording; otherwise, transcript is null.sentimentSummary. This is included in the response only when a given interaction has a sentiment summary available. (The sentiment feature must also be enabled when the interaction is being transcribed and categorized.)overallSentiment. Average sentiment score of the whole conversation.categories. Percentage of the call in each of five categories:veryNegative. negative. neutral. positive. veryPositive.
distributionOverTime . An array of ten sections of of the interaction each representing 10% of interaction time and its average sentiment score.score. Average sentiment score in a given section of an interaction.span. Represents start and end percentage of a given section. start is inclusive, end is exclusive. For example, where start is 11 and end is 20, the range will include the sentiment score for between >=10% and <20%.