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When you install Advanced Reporting and Statistics, configure the connections that pull statistics from your NewVoiceMedia Vonage Contact Center accounts.

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Table of Contents


When you first install Advanced Reporting and Statistics, a page with post-install instructions will appear. You can configure Advanced Reporting and Statistics. If this page does not appear, or if you wish to configure the package later, perform the following tasks to access the instructions:

  1. Go to Setup in Salesforce.
  2. On the left-hand side of the Salesforce window, in the Quick Find field, type 'Installed Packages'.
  3. In the filtered list of items, click Installed PackagesInstalled Packages appears.
  4. Locate and click NVM Vonage Advanced Reporting. NVM Vonage Advanced Reporting (Managed) appears.

  5. Alongside Post Install Instructions, click View.


Channels contain settings for the jobs that retrieve NewVoiceMedia Vonage Contact Center data. The jobs then store the data in summary detail records in Salesforce.

You need one or more channels to use Advanced Reporting and Statistics. Click Add Channel to create a channel for the NewVoiceMedia Vonage Contact Center Account whose activity you'd like to collect. You will need to add a channel for each account.


Channel fieldDescriptionNotes
NameThe name of the channel.This label must be unique among the channels you create in the Org and cannot contain the name of another channel. For example, you cannot create ChannelA1 if you have already created ChannelA.
DescriptionA description of the channel.Add any extra information about the Channel or Account you are using.
Fetch AnalyticsCheckbox

Fetch Analytics is only available if you have enabled Conversation Analyzer. If Conversation Analyzer is enabled for your account and you select the Fetch Analytics check box, Advanced Reporting and Statistics retrieves category matches, talk-time percentages, and confidence statistics for calls.

For information about configuring Conversation Analyzer for your account, see Configuring Conversation Analyzer in Salesforce.

Fetch TranscriptionCheckbox

Fetch Transcript is only available if you have enabled Conversation Analyzer. If Conversation Analyzer is enabled for your account and you select the Fetch Transcript check box, Advanced Reporting and Statistics retrieves transcripts of calls.

For information about configuring Conversation Analyzer for your account, see Configuring Conversation Analyzer in Salesforce.

APIVersion of the Stats API used to retrieve data from the NewVoiceMedia Vonage Contact Center account.

Supported versions are 3 or 0. Default value is 0.

Version 3 or above uses the new generation of NewVoiceMedia Vonage Contact Center APIs which support an offset of 0 minutes. For information about the offset setting, see Offset later in this table. Version 3 or above also contains additional fields for reporting.

Channel URL

The URL for your NewVoiceMedia Vonage Contact Center account.


Client IDYour OAuth Client ID for granting access to the NewVoiceMedia Vonage Contact Center APIs.For information about getting your client ID, see Configuring API credentials. In Scopes, select "View Insights Stats".
Client SecretThe corresponding OAuth secret for your Client ID.For information about getting your client secret, see Configuring API credentials. In Scopes, select "View Insights Stats".
Timeout (ms)

The HTTP timeout in milliseconds applied for API calls to the Stats APIs.

We recommend using a timeout of 60000 ms. If API calls are timing out due to network latency, increase the timeout up to 99999 ms.
Offset (mins)

The time after which agent and interaction data is retrieved from NewVoiceMediaVonage Contact Center.

For example, if you set Offset (mins) to 120, data is retrieved into Salesforce 2 hours after it was created.

When using an API version of 3 or above, you can set Offset to zero. If you do so, Advanced Reporting and Statistics will retrieve data up to the present, including for events which are still ongoing.


If you are on an older version of the package, using version 0 of the API, we recommend that you set Offset to 75 minutes or more. Because version 0 of the API only retrieves completed events, the API would not retrieve long calls or agent events (longer than the offset) until a subsequent sweep for data.

Q'd?Determines whether the channel is queued. When you queue a channel, the channel automatically retrieves data from the configured NewVoiceMedia Vonage Contact Center account every 15 minutes.To start collecting data for this channel, select the Q'd? checkbox. To stop collecting data for the channel, clear the Q'd? checkbox.


In the Global Settings and Mappings section, Statistics Retention (Days) contains the value 8. This value represents the number of days for which Salesforce keeps statistical data from NewVoiceMediaVonage Contact Center. After this time, Salesforce deletes the data.


On installation, Flags is empty and the default settings apply. You can use Flags to configure the following:

  • Call recording analytics data. If the conversation analyzer feature is enabled for your account, you can configure Advanced Reporting and Statistics to retrieve call recording analytics data from NewVoiceMediaVonage Contact Center. For information about configuring which call recording analytics data Advanced Reporting and Statistics should retrieve from NewVoiceMediaVonage Contact Center, see Configuring Conversation Analyzer in Salesforce.
  • Faster retrieval of interaction statistics. From version 2.83 onwards, add the flag RC=1 to instruct the package to fetch interaction and agent activities data every minute.

    Override the default page

    RC=2 and RC=3 are also supported for 2- and 3-minute repeats of the statistics cycle.

    In this mode, Conversation Analyzer data is fetched every 15 minutes.

    The package monitors Salesforce limits for Asynchronous Apex and will reduce activity if the org consumes 75% of the daily limit. The package will consume approximately 6,000 units of this limit each day running every minute fetching data from a single Vonage account and the base limit is typically 250,000. As a safety feature, the package will pause after 199 cycles until resuming in the next 15 minutes.

  • Page size for fetching interactions. The default and generally recommended value is 1000400 interactions. Check with your account manager before using a different value. To set limit the page size to be 800200 interactions, for example, include the following string in the Flags field: PMAX(800200).
  • Override the maximum time Page size for fetching agent activities. The default and generally recommended value is 2000 agent activities. Check with your account manager before using a different value. To limit the page size to 1000 agent activities, for example, include the following string in the Flags field: AMAX(1000).
  • Time range fetched each cycle. The default and generally recommended value is 43200 3600 seconds. Check with your account manager before using a different value. To limit the package to fetching up to an hour each transaction, for example, include the following string in the Flags field: TMAX(36001800).
  • Override the value in The Interaction Type for inbound interactions. When Advanced Reporting and Statistics retrieves inbound interaction statistics, the value of Interaction Type is "Phone". To override this value with "Inbound Call" (to be consistent with previous versions), include the following string in Flags: FIXPHONE.
  • Assignment of call summary ownership to agents. The following flags are available:

    OWNERNEVERUse this flag to never set the owner of a Call Summary or Agent Summary to the agent's Salesforce user.
    OWNERALLSets the owner of a Call Summary or Agent Summary to the agent's Salesforce user, even if they are an inactive user.
    OWNERACTIVESets the owner of a Call Summary or Agent Summary to the agent's Salesforce user only if they are an active user. This is the default flag.

  • Participation object. If you want Advanced Reporting and Statistics to create Participation objects along with Vonage Agent Summary and Vonage Call Summary records, include the following string in Flags: PARTICIPATION.

If you include more than one flag, you do not need to provide a delimiter (separator). However, for readability, we recommend that you use a comma or space between flags. 

If you make any changes in the Global Settings and Mappings section, click Save All.


Channels contain various settings for the jobs that retrieve NewVoiceMedia Vonage Contact Center data and then store the data in summary detail records in Salesforce.

You need one or more channels to use Advanced Reporting and Statistics. A channel represents a single NewVoiceMedia Vonage Contact Center account. To retrieve data from an additional account, or to switch to use the new generation of NewVoiceMedia Vonage Contact Center Stats APIs you must add another channel. 


  1. Go to Setup in Salesforce.
  2. On the left-hand side of the Salesforce window, in the Quick Find field, type 'Installed Packages'.
  3. In the filtered list of items, click Installed PackagesInstalled Packages appears.
  4. Locate and click NVM Vonage Advanced Reporting. NVM Vonage Advanced Reporting (Managed) appears.

  5. Alongside Post Install Instructions, click View.

  6. Click Add Channel. A new channel appears below your existing channel or channels.
  7. For information about the fields and values you must provide in your new channel, see Configuring Advanced Reporting and Statistics#Configuring Advanced Reporting and Statistics#ChannelsChannels earlier in this page.

  8. Click Save All to save the new channel.

How do I add more regions or


Vonage Contact Center accounts?

You can collect statistics from more than one NewVoiceMedia Vonage Contact Center account. You might need to add accounts if you have a global organization with multiple NewVoiceMedia multiple Vonage Contact Center accounts in multiple regions. You can use one Advanced Reporting and Statistics installation for all your accounts.

Region and account settings are contained in channels. To add a region or account, you will need to add a new channel providing details of the region or account. For information about adding channels, see How do I create new channels? earlier in this page.

How do I change how long Salesforce stores my data?

By default, Salesforce keeps statistical data from NewVoiceMedia Vonage Contact Center for 8 days. After this time, Salesforce deletes the data in batches each time Advanced Reporting and Statistics retrieves more data.


  1. Go to Setup in Salesforce.
  2. On the left-hand side of the Salesforce window, in the Quick Find field, type 'Installed Packages'.
  3. In the filtered list of items, click Installed PackagesInstalled Packages appears.
  4. Locate and click NVM Vonage Advanced Reporting. NVM Vonage Advanced Reporting (Managed) appears.

  5. Alongside Post Install Instructions, click View.

  6. In the Statistics Retention (Days) field in the Global Settings and Mappings section, type the number of days for which you want Salesforce to store data from NewVoiceMediaVonage Contact Center.
  7. Click Save All to save your change.
