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You can make various changes to a Dial List—you can activate the list, change the list's mode and filter settings, and so on.


  • Make the list active. Select the Active check box. An agent can only use a Dial List when it is active.
  • Set the mode that Connect uses when making calls—preview or automatic. By default, the mode is set to preview. Click the desired mode in the Mode list. For more information about dialing modes, see Dialing modes.
  • Add any information that will help an agent making the calls, such as the purpose of the Dial List, images, and links to product documentation. Type additional information in the Description field. This information appears along with the customer record.


To change the phone numbers that Connect dials and the order in which Connect dials them, modify the information in the Select phone number fields section.

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How do I set the priority of a Dial List? 


Once an agent is assigned to a Dial List as part of the as part of a group, they are not unassignable in the Assign Users UI, they can only be removed by either removing them from the group, or removing the group from the Dial List.


If the Grant Access Using Hierarchies check box is selected in the public group, the managers of the group members are not assigned to the dial list. 


Removing an agent from a group will not immediately remove them from the Dial List. The supervisor can manually synchronize the dial list agents using the Synchronize Assigned Groups button available in the dial lists' list viewFor active dial lists, the synchronization happens automatically while agents are actively working with Connect.

How do I configure how often Connect updates dynamic Dial Lists and how many calls Connect creates?
