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Request parameters

Path parameters

In requests to some API endpoints you can provide your own values in place of path parameters.

For example, in the GET /v1/session/{sessionGuid} endpoint, you must replace {sessionGuid} with the real value returned when the payment session was created.

Path parameters are required.

Query string parameters

Header parameters


Required To make a request to the Payment API, you must provide your bearer access token in the Authorization: Bearer {access_token} header.

You get your bearer access token using your client credentials. For information about getting and using your bearer access token, see How to authenticate with a Vonage Contact Center





Request body parameters

In the Payment API,


  the POST /v1/session (Create agent assist session)


and POST /v1/digitalsession (Create digital session) endpoints accept request body parameters:

  • agentId The agent’s ID that is used to identify the call between the customer and agent. Mandatory when the API is called by agent’s backend system.
  • paymentData Supplies basic payment data.
  • accountConfigurationId Optional. Used to select an alternative payment account configuration.
  • skipCallTransfer Optional. Used only for testing purposes in the Create agent assist session endpoint.

To find out more about parameters, see API Referencereference (Payment API).