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For information about using Service Cloud Voice features, see Help Customers on the Phone (Salesforce help).


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Making and receiving calls

Using SCV with VCC you can make and receive calls.

To make an outbound call using SCV, click a phone number in a Salesforce record, or enter the phone number in the Omni-Channel utility.

When an inbound call is routed to you by VCC, the call appears in the Omni-Channel utility in Salesforce.

While connected to an inbound or outbound call, you can work with that call in the Omni-Channel utility. You can mute the call, put the call on hold, record the call, and so on. For information about making and receiving calls in SCV, see Answer and Make Calls (Salesforce help).

Consulting, transferring, and conferencing (or merging) calls

When using SCV with VCC, you can consult, transfer, and merge calls.

While on call, you can add another agent to consult with them about the call. To do so, click Add Caller and select an agent from the list that appears. This puts the original call on hold while you are connected to the agent chosen from the list. You can then perform one of the following actions:

  • Swap between original call and consult.
  • End the consult.
  • Perform a warm transfer to the other agent (by leaving the call yourself).
  • Combine the original call with the consult. Combining the calls is known as merging in SCV—merging is called conferencing in VCC.

You can also consult with an external number. To do so, click Add Caller, then—instead of selecting an agent—click Keypad, and enter a number to consult with. This puts the original call on hold while you are connected to the external number. You can then perform the same actions as if you were consulting with an agent.

Alternatively, you can consult with a VCC interaction plan—or, more specifically, a VCC agent servicing the interaction plan—or transfer (warm or cold) to an interaction plan. To do so, click Add Caller and select an interaction plan from the presented list. This puts the original call on hold while you are connected to the interaction plan. You can either hang up to perform a cold transfer to the interaction plan, or wait to be connected to an agent to consult. You you wait to be connected, on connection, you can perform the same tasks as described for a consult to agent in the previous paragraph.

For information about consulting, transferring, and merging calls, see Add Callers or Transfer Calls (Salesforce help).

With external routing

If external routing has been enabled for your account, in addition to phone calls, you can transfer the following interaction types:

  • Chats. Use the transfer button in the chat interface to transfer a chat to any of the following. For information about transferring a chat, see Transfer Chats (Salesforce help).
    • A user

    • A chat button

    • A Salesforce queue

    • A Salesforce skill
  • Cases. You can transfer a case by changing the case owner to one of the following. For information about transferring a record by changing the record's owner, see Change a Record’s Owner (Salesforce help).

    • A user

    • A Salesforce queue


If SCV and transcription are enabled for your account, Vonage transcribes your calls. Transcription turns your customer's and your speech into text in real time. During a call, the transcript appears in the call's voice call record so you can see the transcription text alongside customer data.

Using WebRTC with Vonage for Service Cloud Voice

If you are using WebRTC with Vonage for Service Cloud Voice, you might not hear the ringing tone sometimes when you receive an inbound call. This is due to your browser not allowing audio to autoplay in a tab that you have not interacted with. To hear the ringing tone when you receive an inbound call, you must click somewhere in the Salesforce browser window.
titleNo ringing tone
titleRefresh Salesforce

When a feature is turned on, you must refresh Salesforce if it is open in a browser window. This ensures that the new behavior takes effect. If the feature is later turned off, you must refresh Salesforce again.

For information about using Service Cloud Voice features, see Help Customers on the Phone (Salesforce help).

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