
used in Creating a single Dial List (first-come, first-served), Creating a single Dial List (record ownership), Creating multiple individual Dial Lists for agents

Using related object types in filtering and ordering Dial Lists

When you are configuring filter and sort options you can filter or order by fields in objects of the type of Dial List you are creating or by fields on related records.

Related records (identified by the object type and the key that relates the two object types) appear at the bottom of the first fields in the Filter By Fields and Order By Fields sections.

Filter by related objects

When you select a related record, a second list appears below the first. In this second list, select the customer detail from the related record type to filter or sort by. In the remaining fields, select the comparison operator, sort order and as normal.

For example, you can filter a Dial List based on contacts with related accounts in which the Industry field is 'Banking'. To do this select 'Related Account - Account ID' in the first list, 'Industry' in the second list, and 'equals' in the third. Finally select 'Banking' in the final list.

Filter by related objects example

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