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A categorization profile contains categories and subcategories for the Conversation Analyzer feature. Conversation Analyzer uses the profile to categorize transcripts of call recordings. The profile also contains any substitution and redaction rules you provide. Using the substitution and redaction rules, Conversation Analyzer refines the transcribed text.

The categorization profile applies to the associated account. For information about where you can view the categorized recordings and refined transcripts, see Listening to and commenting on a call recording.


  • name (a name/value pair)
  • language (a name/value pair)
  • skipCallsUnder (an integer)

  • customDictionary (an object)
  • categories (an array of category objects).
    Each category consists of the following:
    • name (a name/value pair)
    • rules (an array of one or more categorization rule objects).


      Not used.

    • subcategories (an array of one or more subcategory objects).
      Each subcategory consists of the following:
      • name (a name/value pair)
      • rules (an array of one or more categorization rule objects).
        Each categorization rule object consists of the following:
        • party (a name/value pair)
        • expression (a name/value pair)
      • subcategories (an array of one or more nested subcategory objects).


        Not used.

    For more information about categorization rules, see Categorization rules.
  • substitution (an array of substitution rule objects).
    Each substitution rule consists of the following:
    • party (a name/value pair)
    • find (a name/value pair)
    • replace (a name/value pair)
    For more information about substitution rules, see Substitution and redaction rules.


You can configure Conversation Analyzer to not process short calls. Short calls are those that are shorter than your configured threshold. This threshold is in seconds and is defined in the skipCallsUnder parameter. The skipCallsUnder parameter is a single integer—in whole seconds only—and you can configure skipCallsUnder for each categorization profile. By default, skipCallsUnder is 0 resulting in Conversation Analyzer processing all calls.


The custom dictionary allows you to specify words that are not common for the language you're using, but are common for your use case. For example, you can specify your product or brand names, locations and so on. Custom dictionary is currently only available in US node and for language en-us. The dictionary helps improve the quality of transcripts.


The dictionary is just a hint for transcription engine. There is no guarantee that the engine will use the hints during transcription.

Example customDictionary


Code Block
  "customDictionary": {
     "phrases": ["New Voice Media", "Elastix","Contact Pad","Connect","Conversation Analyzer","Spectrum"]

You can specify words in phrases array. You can use as many hints as you want, but we recommend that you keep the list short. Words must not contain following characters: !, (, ), and `(grave accent, not apostrophe).


The following tip can help increase the success of your custom dictionary:



Categorization rules

As part of transcribing recordings, Conversation Analyzer categorizes the textual contents of the transcript, by identifying specific words and phrases that correspond to defined categories. A category is a collection of subcategories, which in turn contain a series of rules. Each rule consists of a word or phrase and the party who said that word or phrase. If the transcript contains the word or phrase and was spoken by the specified party, the transcript matches the category.


Valid expression and find values contain only alphanumeric, apostrophe and space characters; that is, values can contain spaces (U+0020), apostrophes (U+0027), and characters from the following Unicode categories:

Values can be no more than 100 characters long.
