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If you want to enable callers to hang up their phone but remain, virtually, in a queue, configure your interaction plan to use callbacks. Configure your plan to set up a callback when a caller either voluntarily breaks out of a queue or in any other queue-breakout scenario. When a suitable agent becomes available, NewVoiceMedia initiates an outbound call from that agent to the caller.

To configure queued callbacks, perform the following tasks:

Create a Callback applet

Routing a call through a Callback applet sets up an outbound call to the caller. For information about Callback applets, see Callback appletTo create a Callback applet, perform the following steps:

  1. Create a Callback applet. For information about creating an applet, see Creating an applet. Your new Callback applet appears.

  2. Optionally select the interaction plan and initial applet for the callback in the Callback Initial Applet section. When initiating a callback, NewVoiceMedia routes an outbound call from the agent to the interaction plan and applet you specify.


    NewVoiceMedia must eventually route the callback through an Automatic Call Distributor (ACD) applet that behaves as a skills based router, that is, a Universal Contact Distributor (UCD) applet.

    If you select Return to previous queue in the Interaction Plan list, NewVoiceMedia routes the outbound call through the last UCD applet that the original voice call entered.

    If you select an interaction plan in the Interaction Plan list, the Applet list appears.

    If you select an applet in the Applet list, the path that the callback takes through the interaction plan must include a UCD applet.

  3. Optionally define the number that NewVoiceMedia must make the callback to in either the Data Source or the Number to Dial field in the Callback Numbers section. Only one of these fields will appear.
    By default, NewVoiceMedia makes the callback to the original CLID. Use a combination of text and data sources in the field to overwrite the default number.

    titleData sources

    You can include one or more data sources. The data sources are placeholders for values collected during the call. NewVoiceMedia replaces the data sources with values before initiating the callback. You must not include any spaces in the field.

    If you plan to use data sources for the callback number, you must have configured these data sources within your interaction plan. For information about using data sources in interaction plans, see Using data sources in interaction plans.

    Use the following format to specify a placeholder for a data source:
    For example, "0207$(CallbackNumber)" or "$(AreaCode)$(CallbackNumber)".
    If you do not define a callback number, NewVoiceMedia makes a callback to the CLID. If NewVoiceMedia cannot locate a CLID, the callback fails.
    If the CLID contains a telephone number other than the caller's telephone number (such as a main switchboard number), NewVoiceMedia cannot make a callback directly to the caller.

  4. If enabled for your account, optionally define the number that NewVoiceMedia will present to the recipient of the outbound (callback) call in the Number to Present field in the Callback Numbers section.
    By default, NewVoiceMedia presents the number specified in ContactPad by the agent initiating the callback. Use a combination of text and data sources in the Number to Present field to overwrite the default number.

    titleData sources

    You can include one or more data sources in Number to Present. The data sources are placeholders for values collected during the call. NewVoiceMedia replaces the data sources with values before initiating the callback. You must not include any spaces in the Number to Present field.

    If you plan to use data sources for the presented number, you must have configured these data sources within your interaction plan. For information about using data sources in interaction plans, see Using data sources in interaction plans.

    Use the following format to specify a placeholder for a data source:
    For example, "0207$(PresentedNumber)" or "$(AreaCode)$(PresentedNumber)".

    Insert excerpt

    If you do not define a number to present, NewVoiceMedia uses the number specified in ContactPad by the agent initiating the callback.
    If you configure a number that is not available for your account, NewVoiceMedia presents the default outbound CLID for your account.
    For more information about callback numbers, see Callback numbers.
  5. Optionally select the next applet for the original call. NewVoiceMedia routes the original voice call to this applet after the applet sets up the callback.


    If the subsequent applet or applets have not completed by the time NewVoiceMedia initiates the callback, the caller might still be connected to the original call. In this situation, the callback will fail. NewVoiceMedia will not attempt a later callback. For this reason, we recommend that you only use the next applet for a short message to let the caller know their callback request has been accepted.

  6. Click Update.

When NewVoiceMedia routes a call through the Callback applet, the applet sets up an outbound call to the caller. NewVoiceMedia initiates the callback when a suitable agent becomes available.

Configure a breakout in an Automatic Call Distributor (ACD) applet in your interaction plan.

The ACD applet must behave as a skills based router, that is, a Universal Contact Distributor (UCD) applet. For information about UCD applets, see Automatic Call Distributor (ACD) or Universal Contact Distributor (UCD) applet.

The breakout must route the call to the Callback applet. For information about UCD applets and configuring breakouts, see Configuring breakouts.

Most simply, you can configure the breakout to route the call directly to the Callback applet. The Callback applet maintains both the caller's position in the queue and all skills associated with the call. NewVoiceMedia initiates the callback, therefore, at approximately the same time that the original call would have been answered. NewVoiceMedia assigns the call to the same agent who would have answered the original call. For an example of this configuration, see Basic Setting up queued callbacks#Basic queued callbacks example using a voluntary breakout later in this page.

Alternatively, you can configure the breakout to route the call to one or more other applets, before the Callback applet. If one or more of the intervening applets change any routing parameters, NewVoiceMedia may initiate the callback earlier or later than the call might have originally been routed to an agent. For example, you could route the call through a Skill Tagger applet that removes skills. Removing skills is likely to increase the chance that an appropriate agent is available to make the callback sooner. For an example of this configuration, see Advanced Setting up queued callbacks#Advanced queued callbacks example using an estimated wait time breakout later in this page.

Example interaction plans with queued callbacks


In this example, when an inbound call arrives in the NewVoiceMedia platform, the following events take place:


In this example, when an inbound call arrives in the NewVoiceMedia platform, the following events take place:

  1. NewVoiceMedia routes the inbound call through a skill tagger applet (Queued callbacks Skill Tagger). This applet tags the call with French and Spanish skills.
  2. NewVoiceMedia then routes the call to a UCD applet (Queued callbacks UCD).
    The UCD applet has an estimated wait time breakout time of 300 seconds (5 minutes).
  3. If the estimated wait time exceeds 5 minutes, NewVoiceMedia routes the call to the configured breakout applet. The breakout applet is another Skill Tagger applet (Queued callbacks 2nd Skill Tagger)This applet removes all skills. NewVoiceMedia uses the call's new skill requirements to determine which agent or agents can handle the call and the call's new position in the queue.
  4. NewVoiceMedia routes the call to a Callback applet (Queued callbacks Callback). NewVoiceMedia sets up a callback for when calls in front of them in the UCD queue have been handled and an appropriate agent becomes available.
  5. NewVoiceMedia routes the call to an announcement appplet (Queued callbacks Announcement). This applet thanks the caller for setting up the callback. This announcement must be complete or the caller must hang up before the callback is initiated, otherwise the callback fails.


In this example, when an inbound call arrives in the NewVoiceMedia platform, the following events take place:
