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  1. To access the Routing Simulator, log in to the NewVoiceMedia platform VCC Admin Portal and change the URL after CallCentre to /useradmin/routersimulator.

    For example, on Cloud 11, the URL would be The Routing Simulator appears.

    Routing Simulator
  2. Provide the following information:


    SkillsThe skills that your agent has. Separate multiple skills with commas.
    Interaction x

    SkillsThe skills that the interaction requires. Separate multiple skills with commas. Add ':0' after the skill name for optional skills. Add ':x' after the skill name for expiring skills where x is the number of seconds for which the skill is mandatory. For example, type 'skill1, skill2:0, skill3:15' where skill1 is mandatory, skill2 is optional, and skill3 is mandatory for 15 seconds.

    Waiting time at start (s):The number of seconds that the interaction has been waiting for an agent.

    Interaction has SLADetermines whether the interaction has an SLA or not. If you do not click Interaction has SLA, the interaction has no target SLA and the simulator ignores the SLA percentage and SLA time (s) fields.

    SLA percentageThe percentage of interactions that must be answered within the time you specify in the SLA time (s) field.

    SLA time (s)The number of seconds in which the percentage of interactions that you specify in the SLA percentage field must be answered.

    Interaction has personal queue for agentDetermines whether the interaction should be routed to an agent's personal queue or not. If you do not click Interaction has personal queue for agent, the interaction does not require a specific agent and the simulator ignores the Personal queue timeout (agent logged in) (s) field.

    Personal queue timeout (agent logged in) (s)The number of seconds for which the interaction must remain in an agent's personal queue and can only be assigned to that specific agent.

  3. Click Simulate!.
