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Table of Contents

When you log in to ContactWorld, you see the following



ContactWorld homeImage Modified

Alternatively, if you are using a mobile device you see the following


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ContactWorld home page

The main area of ContactWorld's home page contains two elements:

  • ContactWorld carousel
    The top of the home page includes a scrolling area that contains links to NewVoiceMedia news items. Click More info to open the news item in a new tab.
    Undismissed alerts also appear at the top of the carousel. For information about alerts, see ContactWorld user interface.
  • ContactWorld component
    The bottom of the home page contains icons that represent ContactWorld features. Click an icon to open the webpage for the related feature in the current tab.

ContactWorld banner

ContactWorld's banner is always present as you navigate around different areas of ContactWorld.

ContactWorld bannerImage Added

Hamburger button

By default, icons and menu item names appear in the ContactWorld menu. Click the hamburger button to shrink the menu to display only icons. Click again to display the menu item names again. For information about the ContactWorld menu, see ContactWorld user interface.

Hamburger buttonImage Added


Alerts are short messages about the status of ContactWorld or your ContactWorld account.

Click Alerts in the banner to view all alerts in the order of receipt—newest alerts appear at the top of the list. Alerts also appear at the top of the carousel, one at a time. Some alerts have a More info link. Click this link for more information relating to the alert.

The number of undismissed alerts appears on the banner. To acknowledge, or dismiss, alerts, close the alert in the carousel or click the alert in the list. Dismissing the alert in one location also dismisses the alert in the other. Until you have dismissed an alert, the alert appears on the carousel, and is highlighted in blue and with its associated icon in the list. When you have dismissed the alert, the alert no longer appears in the carousel and appears in gray in the list.

You can receive four different types of alerts. The types are listed in the order of severity, highest severity first.

  • Danger
  • Warning
  • Information
  • Success

Higher severity alerts take priority over lower severity alerts; if you have more than one undismissed alert, the most severe alert appears


on the carousel until dismissed. (If you have more than one alert with the highest severity, the most recent alert takes priority.) The dismissed alert is replaced with the next most severe alert.

AlertsImage Added

The example shows four undismissed alerts, one of each severity. The highest severity alert, 'Danger', appears in the carousel. The More info link indicates that more information about the alert is available.


The Help menu contains three items:

Menu itemDescription
Home HelpA link to the ContactWorld user interface page.
Documentation HomeA link to NewVoiceMedia Product Documentation.
Product Updates

ContactWorld helpImage Added


The Account menu shows the logged in user's name and ContactWorld account, and the following options:

Menu itemDescription
Switch Account

Click to log in using a different ContactWorld account.

This item is only available if you have access to multiple accounts.

LogoutClick to log out of ContactWorld.

ContactWorld AccountImage Added

ContactWorld menu

ContactWorld's menu is always present as you navigate around different areas of ContactWorld. The menu contains all the features of ContactWorld.

The menu appears on the left side of the webpage, or at the bottom of the


screen on a mobile device


. By default, icons and menu item names appear in the menu. Click the hamburger button to shrink the menu to display only icons. Click again to display the menu item names again.

To open the webpage for the related feature in the current tab, click a menu item. To open previous and next webpages, use the back and forward buttons in your browser.

The menu contains the following features. Only features available in your account will appear in the menu. 



Menu itemDescription
HomeLink to homepage. Click Home at any time to close the menu and return to the homepage.

ContactPad is the main interface that agents use when handling interactions within ContactWorld.

For information about ContactPad, see ContactPad.

Skill Management

Manage skills and assign skills to agents.



information about managing skills, see Skill Management.

Agreement Management

Configure agreements to enhance skills based routing and prioritize interactions based on their service level agreement.



information about managing agreements, see Agreement Management

Real Time

Monitor and manage calls, queues, service levels, agent states and group states using live contact center information. For


information about Real Time, see Real Time.

Interaction Architect

Design call flows using announcements, timetables, IVR Menus, CTI Routers, Integration APIs for third parties. For


information about Interaction Architect, see Interaction Architect.

Stats and Reports

Configure and run reports to be delivered on screen and in emails. For


information, see Stats and Reports.

IVR Data Collector

Configure the Interactive Voice Response system to collect data from callers. For


information about the IVR Data Collector, see IVR Data Collector.

Call Recordings

Search call recordings by Dialled Number, Caller's Number, Agent, Date, and so on. For


information about the Call Recordings, see Call Recordings.

System AuditView system activity including log in attempts, agent and applet updates, and user access changes. For information about System Audit, see Viewing system activity (System Audit).
System Settings

Manage short codes, Agent State, Passwords and Single Sign-On.



information about system settings, see Editing System Settings.

User Access

Manage individual User access rights to the key modules of the NVM ContactWorld. For


information, see Configuring user access.

Salesforce AdministrationProvide Salesforce credentials to link your ContactWorld account to your Salesforce account. For



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 To see help information, click the Help icon.


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In addition, the menu contains the following





  • Documentation



 To see system information, click the System Info icon.


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 The System Info menu contains the following items:


Previously called Service Performance.

Links to the System Status site which shows live performance and availability of ContactWorld.


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 To see user information, click the User Info icon.


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The User Info menu contains the following items:


Logged in





  • . Click Documentation to access NewVoiceMedia Product Documentation. The link opens in a new tab.
  • Product Updates. Click Product Updates to access ... The link opens in a new tab.