How do I create multiple Dial Lists for agents that contain only
call records that represent objects owned by those agents?
When you create a single Dial List, you can assign the Dial List to multiple agents. These agents may not be the owners of the objects that the contained Dial Entries call records represent. From version 3.3.3 of Connect, you can You can also create Dial Lists for individual agents and those Dial Lists contain Dial Entries call records that represent only objects that the agents own. In addition, you can create multiple Dial Lists for different agents at once, saving time if you have a large team of agents needing Dial Lists with the same settings.
- Open a Create New Dial List page. You can open a new Create New Dial List page in the following ways:
Insert excerpt _ExcerptCreateNewDialList _ExcerptCreateNewDialList nopanel true On the Create New Dial List page, provide the following values:
Field Description List Name Type a suitable name for the Dial List that will make the list identifiable later. The value is not unique. List type Select one of the types in the list, such as Contacts or Leads. The list type determines the type of customers you can select for your Dial List.
Phone Field Select the phone number field whose contents appear in the Primary Phone field in Dial Entries call records created in association with this Dial List. Connect uses this phone number if available. Alternate Phone (optional) Select the phone number field whose contents appear in the Secondary Phone field in Dial Entries call records created in association with this Dial List. Connect uses this phone number if the Primary Phone field is empty.
Multiple Lists To create Dial Lists for multiple agents, select the Multiple Lists check box. (To create a single Dial List for multiple agents to use, clear the check box. For information about creating a single Dial List, see Creating a single Dial List.) Note The following fields are only available if the feature is enabled for your account.
Time Zone The time zone in which both Start Time and End Time are expressed in. For more information, see Permissible call times for Dial Lists. Start Time The start of the Dial List's permissible call time, that is, the time from which the Dial List is active. Type the start time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). For more information about permissible call times, see Permissible call times for Dial Lists.
Info If both Start Time and End Time are 00:00, when the Dial List is activated the list is always active. End Time The end of the Dial List's permissible call time, that is, the time at which the Dial List is no longer active. Type the end time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). For more information about permissible call times, see Permissible call times for Dial Lists.
Info If both Start Time and End Time are 00:00, when the Dial List is activated the list is always active. Priority
The priority of the Dial List. Provide a value from 0 to 999. The lower the value, the greater the priority of the list. Lists with no value have the lowest priority.
For information about prioritizing Dial Lists, see Cross-list prioritization.
Note A Dial Entry call record is not created if the Primary Phone and Secondary Phone fields are both empty. Click Next. The next page appears.
Select a view that contains the users (agents) for whom you are creating the Dial Lists.
You must already have a user view—either standard or custom—containing the appropriate users.
In the Create New Filter section, you must define at least one filter that is used to select customers.
- In the first field, select the customer detail used for the first filter—the available details are determined by the type of Dial List you are creating.
- In the second field, select the comparison operator used.
- In the third field, type the value to which the customer value is compared.
If you want to include additional filters, click More Filters. Another row of fields appears. Repeat this step for all filters you want to define.
Optional. In the Filter Logic section, you can override the filter logic used.
The default logic operator is AND—the filters you define in the Create New Filter section are joined. To override the default logic, refer to the filters by their numbers, for example, ((1 AND 3) OR (2 AND 5)) OR (4 AND 2).
Note The NOT operator is not supported.
Insert excerpt _ExcerptFilteringByDate _ExcerptFilteringByDate nopanel true Info Using the following example:
Filter 1 Last Name equals Jones Filter 2 Last Activity less than 2014-06-19 Filter 3 Department equals Sales the default filter logic returns customers whose details match all of the criteria.
A filter logic of '((1 OR 2) AND 3)' returns the following customers:
Customers whose last name is Jones OR whose record was last modified before 19th June 2014
who are in the Sales departmentOptional. In the Order by fields section, define the order in which you want filter results to appear in the Dial List.
- In the first field, select the customer detail used for the first sort option—the available details are determined by the type of Dial List you are creating.
- In the second field, select the sort order.
- In the third field, select whether empty values should appear first or last in the Dial List.
If you want to define additional sort options, click More Fields. Another row of fields appears. Repeat this step for all sort orders you want to define.
Click Generate List.
Your new Dial List or Lists are created and displayed in the Dial Lists view that appears.