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To transcribe and categorize a call recording, Conversation Analyzer requires both the language of the call and a categorization profile. The categorization profile contains the categorization, substitution and redaction rules to refine and categorize the transcribed text. For information about how Conversation Analyzer transcribes and categorizes call recordings, see Overview of Conversation Analyzer. Each call has associated data source values for Language and ConversationAnalyzerProfile. Conversation Analyzer uses these values to transcribe the recording in the correct language and identify the categorization profile to use for categorization. By default, Language and ConversationAnalyzerProfile values come from settings for the account, line, or callback number. You can also override these values using a Set Data Source applet. For more information about Language and ConversationAnalyzerProfile data sources, see Overview of Conversation Analyzer.

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  1. In Interaction Architect, create a Set Data Source applet. For information about creating an applet, see Creating an applet. A new Set Data Source applet appears.
  2. In Data Source, type "Language".
    In Value, type the language you want Conversation Analyzer to use when transcribing calls that are routed through this applet. 
    In the Next Applet list click the applet that Vonage Contact Center routes the interaction to next.
  3. To save your changes, click Update.

Calls that Vonage Contact Center routes through this applet are now transcribed in the specified language. Conversation Analyzer also uses the value of Language to help identify the categorization profile to use to categorize the call. For information about categorization profiles, see Categorization profiles.


The value of Language must be supported by Conversation Analyzer and in the following format.

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Data Announcer applets also use the Language property. These applets use the property to determine the language to announce certain data in. Conversation Analyzer transcribes recordings in the same language as the announcements, unless you reset the value of Language after the applets use the property, but before the end of the call.
