Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Authorization scopes supported:

ScopeAccess granted
statsEntire endpoint


The endpoint accepts the following query string parameters:


  • agentId. The agent’s ID, as defined in VCC during agent creation.
  • start. A time stamp that indicates when the interaction activity started. start is a UTC date and time in ISO 8601 format.
  • status. The processing status of the interaction. This will be set to one of the following values:
    • Ongoing. The processing of the interaction is still ongoing.
    • Completed. The processing of the interaction completed without errors.
    • InternalError. An error occurred with the processing of the interaction before it could complete.
  • duration. A length of time, in milliseconds, that indicates exactly how long the agent remained in this interaction activity. If the agent is currently in this interaction activity, duration is null.
  • state. The type of activity the agent was engaged in on the interaction. The different interaction states tracked are:
    • Ringing. The agent was offered the interaction. For a phone call, the Ringing category describes the period in which the phone was ringing.
    • Connected. The agent was connected to the interaction. Typically the Connected category describes the period the agent was working on the interaction; for a phone call Connected is the period in which parties are connected and able to talk.
      If an agent parks a phone call, the Connected activity ends. A new Connected activity starts when the agent unparks the call.
      If a non-call interaction is interrupted by a call, the Connect activity ends. A new Connected activity starts when the interaction is resumed.
    • Wrap. The agent was in the wrap period at the end of an interaction. Wrap time is normally used for post interaction work, such as note taking.
    • Unexpected. An activity of Unexpected category usually occurs after the Ringing category. The category indicates that an agent (who was available for work) does not answer their phone, or their line is busy on another call.
    • Failed. A Failed activity can occur at any time during an interaction. Possible causes are network congestion, a fault on the line, or configuration issue.
  • reason. reason is only populated when the activity’s category is Connected, Failed or Unexpected. reason will be one of the following values (or null if any of the conditions are not met):
    • For Connected interaction activities (reason is null for Connected interaction activties for all reasons other than the following)Ringing interaction activities:
      • Monitor. The user is monitoring the interaction.
    • For Connected interaction activities:
      • Resumed. The agent was reconnected to the interaction when it was resumed from being interrupted.
      • Unparked. The agent was reconnected to the interaction after it was unparked.
      • Monitor. The user is monitoring the interaction.
    • For Failed Wrap interaction activities:
      • NumberUnobtainable. The target number could not be reached.
      • CallRejected. The connection was rejected at some point while trying to connect.
      • CallFailed. Exact cause is undetermined.
      • Monitor. The user is monitoring the interaction.
    • For Unexpected interaction activities:
      • NumberBusy. The agent being called declined the call or is busy. For a phone call NumberBusy indicates that the agent is already connected to another call, or rejected the call.
      • NoAnswer. A Ringing interaction activity was never answered, or was rejected, and eventually timed out.
      • NumberUnobtainable. The target number could not be reached.
      • CallRejected. The connection was rejected at some point while trying to connect.
      • CallFailed. Exact cause is undetermined.
    • For Failed interaction activities:
      • NumberUnobtainable. The target number could not be reached.
      • CallRejected. The connection was rejected at some point while trying to connect.
      • CallFailed. Exact cause is undetermined.
  • interaction. The Interaction parameter contains information about the interaction itself.
    • guid. The unique identifier for the interaction. All activities on this interaction have the same Guid.
    • medium. The medium over which the interaction took place.
    • mediumManager. The origin application of the interaction, e.g. “VCC” (Vonage Contact Centre) or “VBC” (Vonage Business Cloud).
    • direction. The direction of the interaction. direction is one of the following values:
      • Inbound (a customer called into the call center)
      • Outbound (the agent called a customer)
      • Internal (an agent called another agent)
  • channel. The Channel parameter contains information about the agent’s connection to the interaction.
    • guid. The unique identifier for the agent’s channel.
