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While on an interaction, an agent can choose to consult with another participant about the interaction or transfer the interaction to another contact in various ways. Currently, only calls can be consulted about or transferred.

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A consult is when an agent attempts to connect another contact to an active interaction. If the consult successfully connects, the consulted participant and the agent are connected, while all other participants are excluded from their communication; in the case of a phone call, other participants are placed on hold.


A transfer is when an agent attempts to connect another contact to an active interaction. Upon a successful transfer, the agent disconnects. A transfer can be cold or warm.

Warm transfer

A type of transfer in which the agent connects to another participant — usually communicating with them first, as in a consult — before completing the transfer of the interaction.

Cold transfer

A type of transfer in which the agent transfers an interaction directly to a contact without communicating with them first. A cold transfer can be assured or unassured depending on what type of contact the agent is transferring to. 

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Assured cold transfer

A type of cold transfer in which the agent is disconnected from the interaction after they indicate where the interaction should be transferred to and the contact connects. This ensures the interaction does not end while the contact is being alerted.

Unassured cold transfer

A type of cold transfer in which the agent is immediately disconnected from the interaction after they indicate where the interaction should be transferred to without waiting for the contact to connect.


For information about consulting and transferring calls, see Consulting on and transferring interactions in Agent Workspace.