- For an inbound call, the display name, if known, of the initiator of an inbound call (Joe Bloggs). Alternatively, Unknown number.
For an outbound call, the name of the recipient, if known. Alternatively, the number called, if known. If neither the name or the number are known, Unknown contact. - For an inbound call, the phone number of the initiator of an inbound call (+441234567890).
For an outbound call, the phone number of the recipient of an outbound call or the name of the interaction plan, for example.
If the call is on hold, the time the call has been on hold (On hold for 00:01:16). - The direction of the call, indicated by the icon alongside the phone number:
- Inbound.
- Outbound.
- For an inbound call, the name of the queue that the call was routed through (Default queueCalls).
- For an inbound call, the reporting group associated with interaction plan the call was routed through (*TechAuthorAgent Workspace calls). For information about reporting groups, see How do I create a new interaction plan? in Using Interaction Plans Manager.
- Where applicable, a badge to show that the call is new and hasn't yet been selected (opened) or that the interaction is in a wrap state .
- The source of the webchat; that is, the title of the page that the webchat was sent from (Agent Workspace webchat).
- The first part of the most recent message (for example, Hello, I'm trying to find out where my order is. I w...).
- How long ago the last message was delivered (for example, 28s ago).
- The name of the queue that the webchat was routed through (Webchat).
- The reporting group associated with interaction plan the webchat was routed through (Agent Workspace webchat). For information about reporting groups, see How do I create a new interaction plan? in Using Interaction Plans Manager.
- Where applicable, the number of unread messages.
- Where applicable, a badge to show that the chat is new and hasn't yet been selected (opened) or that the interaction is in a wrap state .
- The source of the SMS; that is, the phone number the SMS was sent from (SMS from +441234567890).
- The first part of the most recent message (for example, Hello, I'm trying to find out where my order is. I w...).
- How long ago the last message was delivered (for example, 28s ago).
- The name of the queue that the SMS was routed through (SMS).
- The reporting group associated with interaction plan the SMS was routed through (Agent Workspace SMSs). For information about reporting groups, see How do I create a new interaction plan? in Using Interaction Plans Manager.
- Where applicable, the number of unread messages.
- Where applicable, a badge to show that the chat is new and hasn't yet been selected (opened) or that the interaction is in a wrap state .