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Category Editor enables supervisors and administrators to view, add, update, copy and delete rules for categories in your profiles. To create a rule, you need a profile with at least one category and subcategory.

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Viewing and editing categorization rules

In Category Editor, you can view and edit the categorization rules added to a profile. Each rule contains the following fields:

ExpressionThe expression you wish to look for in a transcript. Uses categorization expression language. Valid expressions need to follow a specified format. For information about writing expressions, see Categorization expression language in Categorization rules.
Words betweenThe number of words that can appear between the specified words in a phrase.

The party on the call who must say the phrase in order for it to match the expression. The options are:

  • Image Added Agent
  • Image Added Customer
  • Image Added Agent or Customer

Each speaker appears with a different icon in the profile tree.

To view or edit a categorization rule for a profile, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to the VCC Admin Portal and go to Category Editor (within Administration). Category Editor appears.
  2. In the All profiles list, click the profile you wish to view rules for. The profile window opens.
  3. Click the category you wish to view rules for in the profile table or in the profile tree.
  4. Click the subcategory you wish to view rules for in the category table or in the profile tree. Available rules appear in the subcategory table.
  5. Click a rule you wish to view or make changes to.
  6. Click Save rule to finish. Alternatively, click Undo changes to revert your changes.

Adding categorization rules

To add a categorization rule for a profile, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to the VCC Admin Portal and go to Category Editor (within Administration). Category Editor appears.
  2. In the All profiles list, click the profile you wish to add rules for. The profile window opens.
  3. In the profile table or the profile tree, click the category you wish to add rules to.
  4. In the category table or the profile tree, click the subcategory you wish to add rules to. The subcategory table opens.
  5. Click Create new rule.
  6. In the Expression field, add a rule string. This is the phrase Conversation Analyzer will look for in a transcript. For information about writing expressions, see Categorization expression language in Categorization rules.
  7. In the Words between drop-down, select the number of words that can appear between the words in your expression.
  8. In the Speaker area, select who is expected to say the phrase for it to match the rule. You can choose the agent, the customer, or both.
  9. Click Save rule. A message confirming your profile was updated appears.

Copying categorization rules

You can copy a categorization rule and adjust it to your needs, rather than create a new one from scratch. To copy a categorization rule, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to the VCC Admin Portal and go to Category Editor (within Administration). Category Editor appears.
  2. In the All profiles list, click the profile you wish to copy rules for.
  3. The profile window opens.
  4. In the profile table or the profile tree, click the category you wish to copy rules for.
  5. In the category table or the profile tree, click the subcategory you wish to copy rules for.
  6. The subcategory table appears listing all rules available for it.
  7. Click the ellipsis to the right of the rule you wish to copy. In the context menu, click Copy.
  8. Adjust your settings in the Expression, Words between and Speaker sections.
  9. Click Save rule.
  10. A message confirming your categorization rule was copied appears. Your rule is added to the subcategory table.

Deleting categorization rules

  1. Log in to the VCC Admin Portal and go to Category Editor (within Administration). Category Editor appears.
  2. In the All profiles list, click the profile you wish to delete rules for.
  3. The profile window opens.
  4. In the profile table or the profile tree, click the category you wish to delete rules for.
  5. In the category table or the profile tree, click the subcategory you wish to delete rules for.
  6. The subcategory table appears listing all rules available for it.
  7. Click the ellipsis to the right of the rule you wish to remove. In the context menu, click Delete
  8. A message appears asking you to confirm the deletion. Click Yes.
  9. The rule is deleted. A message confirming your profile was updated appears.