If users cannot use single sign-on to log in to Vonage Contact Center or ContactPad, perform the relevant tasks for the user's issue.
If you have configured the user's account, check the URL that the user is accessing the VCC Admin Portal or ContactPad on. The syntax for the single sign-on URL is https://***.cc.vonage.com/CallCentre/?account=AccountName, replacing *** and AccountName with the appropriate values for your account. If the user is using ContactPad in Salesforce, check the CTI Adapter URL field in your call center settings in Salesforce. The field must contain the URL in the required syntax.
User can log in to one or more accounts using single sign-on, but can't switch to other accounts
User can see the buttons, but can't log in
If the buttons are available but the user can't log in, the user may see one of the following messages:
No account is linked to your Salesforce organisation. If SalesforceUsername is not the correct user, please log out of Salesforce and try again.