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The ACD applet uses many configurable rules to determine how an interaction behaves in queues, to which group or groups the interaction is routed, as well as what to do with the interaction when certain thresholds are reached.

titleIn this page

Table of Contents

You can set the queue to route to the longest waiting agent, or to an agent with a particular skill. If you choose skills based routing, the ACD becomes a Universal Contact Distributor (UCD). NewVoiceMedia  Vonage Contact Center uses the UCD in conjunction with the Skill Tagger and Set SLA applets for intelligent routing without using many different ACDs and groups.

Many of the settings affect only calls, and not other types of interactions.


(only available if enabled for your account)

Behaviour Type

Longest Waiting
Skills Based

Determines whether interactions are routed to the longest waiting agents or to agents with required skills.

Select Longest Waiting to use the ACD applet.
Select Skills Based to use the UCD applet. Use with the Skill Tagger or Set SLA applets. For information about the Skill Tagger and Set SLA applets, see Skill Tagger applet and Set SLA applet.

Equal Call Allocation Mode

(only available if enabled for your account)

List of available modes

Determines which mode to use for equal call distribution.

If you select Skills Based in Behaviour Type and if equal call distribution is enabled for your account, use this field to choose which NewVoiceMedia Vonage Contact Center should use to distribute callsinteractions.

For information about equal call distribution, see Call distribution.

ACDImage Removed

Equal call distributionImage Removed

Wait Time Announcements

(only available if enabled for your account and with Skills Based router behavior type)

Announce Target Answer TimeSelect or clear

Determines whether to announce the target answer time for the call. Select the Announce Target Answer Time check box to play the caller an announcement, for example, "We aim to answer your call in about 60 seconds".

The target answer time is the shortest duration of any target answer times set by Set SLA applets in the call plan and any agreement routing targets.

If no Set SLA applet targets or agreement routing targets apply to the call then no announcement is made.

The target answer time announcement plays after the First Announcement (see Queue Announcements), if a file is chosen.

Announce Recent Answer TimeSelect or clear

Determines whether to announce the recent answer time for other calls routed to this UCD. Select the Announcement Recent Answer Time check box to play the caller an announcement, for example, "We have recently been answering calls in about 2 minutes and 20 seconds". This announcement is played after the target answer time announcement, if enabled.

The recent answer time is the average answer time for the last five calls of this type. If there are fewer than five previous calls, the recent answer time is the average answer time of the available calls. If there are no previous calls, see the If Recent Answer Time is unavailable, announce Target Answer Time instead check box. Call type is defined by data including skills tagged, targets set and the target UCD.

The recent answer time announcement plays after the target answer time announcement, if set, or after the First Announcement (see Queue Announcements), if a file is chosen.

If Recent Answer Time is unavailable, announce Target Answer Time insteadSelect or clear

Determines whether to announce the target answer time for a call if there are no previous calls from which to calculate the recent answer time. Select the If Recent Answer Time is unavailable, announce Target Answer Time instead check box to announce the target answer time if there is no recent answer time data available.

This option is only available if you select the Announce Recent Answer Time check box and clear the Announce Target Answer Time check box.

You can select one or both of the Announce Target Answer Time and Announce Recent Answer Time check boxes.

For information about using wait time announcements, see Using wait time announcements.Wait time announcementsImage Removed

Estimated Wait Time Breakout

(only available if enabled for your account and with Skills Based router behavior type)

Breakout Time (seconds)
(leave blank for unlimited) 

The maximum estimated wait time. If the estimated wait time for a call exceeds this value, NewVoiceMedia Vonage Contact Center routes the call to the breakout applet.
Leave blank for no maximum estimated wait time.

Type the number of seconds.

Breakout appletSelect or clear

The applet that NewVoiceMedia Vonage Contact Center routes the call to when the estimated wait time exceeds the value in the Breakout Time field.

Select the appropriate applet.

For more information, see Breakouts.

For information about using the estimated wait time breakout, see Breakouts.

Estimated Wait Time BreakoutImage Removed

Queue Settings

Stops queues from containing more calls than their maximum call length.
Play Queue PositionSelect or clearMaximum Queue LengthNumber

Determines whether or not the user is informed of their position in the queue. Select the Play Queue Position check box to play the caller's position in the queue.

Only available for

Longest Waiting behavior

call-type interactions.

Age Per MinuteNumber

Acts as a multiplier in conjunction with Queue - Set Priority applets. Provide a number other than one (1) to give calls that pass through a priority applet a greater age to put the call nearer the front of the queue.

For example, if you set the age per minute to 2, after five minutes a priority caller has an augmented age of 10 minutes.

Only available for Longest Waiting behavior type.

For information about the Queue - Set Priority applet, see Queue - Set Priority (QSP) applet.

Unlimited Queue LengthCheck box

Determines whether there is a maximum length for a queue.

Select the Unlimited Queue Length check box to allow queues of unlimited length.

titleSkill Based behavior

With Skills Based behavior type, the skills that an interaction is tagged with determine the queue that the interaction is in. When Play Queue Position is selected, the interaction's position in the applicable queue is played.

Agents can handle interactions from multiple queues, including personal queue calls. Therefore, an interaction at position 1 in the relevant queue will not necessarily be the next interaction that is handled.

Age Per MinuteNumber

Acts as a multiplier in conjunction with Queue - Set Priority applets. Provide a number other than one (1) to give calls that pass through a priority applet a greater age to put the call nearer the front of the queue.

For example, if you set the age per minute to 2, after five minutes a priority caller has an augmented age of 10 minutes.

Only available for Longest Waiting behavior type.

For information about the Queue - Set Priority applet, see Queue - Set Priority (QSP) applet.

Unlimited Queue LengthCheck box

Determines whether there is a maximum length for a queue.

Select the Unlimited Queue Length check box to allow queues of unlimited length.

Maximum Queue LengthNumberStops queues from containing more calls than their maximum call length. When a queue reaches the maximum length, any new calls are diverted to the applet defined in the Maximum Queue Next Application field. Leave the field blank for no maximum queue length.
Maximum Queue Next ApplicationList of available applets

The applet that the call is routed to if the maximum queue length is exceeded, for example voicemail.

For more information, see Breakouts.

Queue SettingsImage Removed

With Skills Based router behavior type:

Queue Settings (skills)Image Removed

Voluntary Breakouts

Voluntary breakouts are used with queue audio prompts. Callers can break out of the queue if they do not want to continue waiting for an agent to answer their call. For more information, see Breakouts.

Breakout Available

First Retry
Second Retry 
Third Retry 

Determines when callers can break out of the queue.

Select Always to enable the callers to use the breakout keys at any time.
Select First (or Second or Third) Retry to enable callers to use the breakout keys only after the first (or second or third) announcement is played.

Maintain position in queue if re-entering after breakoutCheck box

Determines whether NewVoiceMedia Vonage Contact Center should keep the call's position in the queue after breaking out. This option is only available for applets with Skills Based router behavior type. Select or clear the check box as appropriate. If you select the check box, when a call re-enters the same UCD applet after a breakout, the call enters the queue in the same position as when it was previously in the queue. If, after the breakout, the call enters a different UCD, the setting has no effect and the call enters at the back of the queue.

Breakout Key Press nList of available appletsSelect the applet that the call is routed to if the user presses key n (1-9).
ACD Voluntary BreakoutsImage Removed

Queue Announcements

NewVoiceMedia Vonage Contact Center plays the provided queue announcements while the call is in a queue. These announcements can include information about breakout options, the caller's position in the queue, and so on.

For information on how NewVoiceMedia Vonage Contact Center uses the announcements, see Interaction between announcements and agent groups in queues.


Data Source column (only available if enabled for your account and with Skills Based router behavior type)

For information about using data sources to specify the required audio file, see Using dynamic audio in a Universal Contact Distributor (UCD) applet.

First Announcement, Second Announcement, Third Announcement, Subsequent Announcement

Lists of available Data Sources

The data sources that must, at run time, contain the names of the audio files for the announcements.

If you do not select a data source or the data source is invalid, NewVoiceMedia Vonage Contact Center uses the announcement you select in the corresponding Generic File field.

Generic File column
First Announcement, Second Announcement, Third Announcement, Subsequent AnnouncementAudio (.wav) file
  • Click Choose a file... to launch an Open dialog box. Select the audio file you want to use for each announcement.
  • Click Delete to delete an existing announcement.
  • Click Play Existing to play the existing announcement.
If you do not upload a generic audio file, NewVoiceMedia uses NewVoiceMediaVonage Contact Center uses Vonage Contact Center's default announcement.

Current Position Announcement

(only available for Longest Waiting behavior type)

Audio (.wav) file
  • Click Choose a file... in the Generic File column to launch an Open dialog box. Select the audio file you want to use for the announcement informing the caller of their position in the queue.
  • Click Delete to delete an existing current position announcement.
  • Click Play Existing to play the existing current position announcement.
Default column

Click Play Existing to play the existing default announcement.

For information about the format of the audio files, see Recording and preparing audio used in applets.

ACD Queue AnnouncementsImage Removed

If enabled for your account and with Skills Based router behavior type:

ACD Queue Announcements (dynamic)Image Removed

Queue Music


Data Source

(only available if enabled for your account and with Skills Based router behavior type)

For information about using data sources to specify the required audio file, see Using dynamic audio in a Universal Contact Distributor (UCD) applet.

Lists of available Data Sources

The data source that must, at run time, contain the name of the audio file for the queue music.

If you do not select a data source or the data source is invalid, NewVoiceMedia Vonage Contact Center uses the music you select in the corresponding Generic File field.

Generic FileAudio (.wav) file

The audio file for the queue music.

  • Click Choose a file... to launch an Open dialog box. Select the audio file you want to use for the music heard between announcements while the caller is in the queue.
  • Click Delete to delete the existing queue music.
  • Click Play Existing to play the existing queue music.
If you do not upload an audio file, the caller will hear NewVoiceMediaVonage Contact Center's default queue music.


NewVoiceMediaVonage Contact Center's default queue music.

Click Play Existing to play the existing default announcement.

Duration of music played between announcements (seconds)Number

The number of seconds for which NewVoiceMedia Vonage Contact Center plays the music before playing the next announcement.

The field is unavailable unless you select an audio file.

ACD Queue MusicImage Removed

If enabled for your account and with Skills Based router behavior type:

ACD Queue Music (dynamic)Image Removed

No Answer Timeout
FieldOptionsDescriptionNo Answer Timeout

Unexpected state settings

No answer timeout (seconds)Number

Time elapsed when waiting for an agent to answer

from an agent

an inbound call (including callback requests) before trying the next agent. Default is 15.

ACD No Answer TimeoutImage Removed

Agent Hangup
Agent Hangup State after unexpected or faultNumber

The agent's state after their unexpected/fault state times out. You can configure an agent's unexpected/fault timeouts in User Admin. For information, see Configuring individual users and Configuring groups.

Select from one of the available states, Logged out, or Leave unchanged.

Agent Hangup

Agent Hangup AppletList of available appletsThe applet that the call is routed to when the agent hangs up. For example, a customer satisfaction survey applet.

ACD Agent HangupImage Removed

No Agents Breakout

No Agents Logged In AppletList of available applets

The applet that the call is routed to if no agents are logged in. For example, a voicemail applet or an an announcement informing the caller that the call center is closed for the day.

For more information, see Breakouts.

Agent Decline Breakout

Agent Decline Breakout AppletList of available applets

The applet that the call is routed to if an agent declines a call in their personal queue.

ACD No Agents BreakoutImage Removed

For example, a VoiceMail applet.

For more information, see Breakouts.

Queue Duration Settings

(only available for Longest Waiting behavior type)

Queue Timeout (seconds)Number

The amount of time a caller is in a queue before the call is routed to the queue timeout applet. Leave blank for no queue timeout.

Type the number of seconds.

Queue Time Out Applet

List of applets

The applet that the call is routed to when the queue timeout is exceeded.

Select the appropriate applet.

For more information, see Breakouts.

ACD Call Duration SettingsImage Removed

Agent Audio

On Hold Audio FileAudio (.wav) file

The audio file played if the answered call is put on hold by the agent.

In the Generic File column:

  • Click Choose a file... to launch an Open dialog box. Select the audio file you want to use while a call is on hold.
  • Click Delete to delete the existing hold music.
  • Click Play Existing to play the existing hold music.
If you do not upload a generic audio file, NewVoiceMedia Vonage Contact Center uses the platform's default on hold audio.

In the Default column, click Play Existing to play the default hold music.

Ringing Audio FileAudio (.wav) file

The audio file played while the NewVoiceMedia Vonage Contact Center tries to connect a call to an agent. For example, for international callers, you can set a local ringing tone instead of the UK ringing tone.

In the Generic File column:

  • Click Choose a file... to launch an Open dialog box. Select the audio file you want to use while connecting a call.
  • Click Delete to delete the existing ringing audio.
  • Click Play Existing to play the existing ringing audio.
If you do not upload a generic audio file, NewVoiceMedia uses NewVoiceMediaVonage Contact Center uses Vonage Contact Center's default ringing audio.

In the Default column, click Play Existing to play the default ringing audio.

For information about the format of the audio files, see Recording and preparing audio used in applets.

ACD Agent Audio OptionsImage Removed

Whisper Audio

A whisper is used to give a message to the agent, or the agent and the caller, before the call is connected. For example, if an agent receives calls from customers in relation to different products, you might want to inform the agent what product the customer is calling about. For information about using whispers, see Using whispers.


To use a Set Whisper applet to play a whisper, you must add and enable a default whisper in the Whisper Audio section. The whisper in the Set Whisper applet overrides the default whisper.

If you are only using a default whisper in the Whisper Audio section to enable the whisper in the Set Whisper applet, add an empty audio file (containing no sound).

For more information, see Set Whisper applet and Using whispers.


Data Source

(only available if enabled for your account and with Skills Based router behavior type)

For information about using data sources to specify the required audio file, see Using dynamic audio in a Universal Contact Distributor (UCD) applet.

Lists of available Data Sources

The data source that must, at run time, contain the name of the audio file for the default whisper.

If you do not select a data source or the data source is invalid, NewVoiceMedia Vonage Contact Center uses the music you select in the corresponding Generic File field.

Generic FileAudio (.wav) file

The audio file for the default whisper.

  • Click Choose a file... to launch an Open dialog box. Select the audio file you want to use for the default whisper.
  • Click Delete to delete the existing default whisper.
  • Click Play Existing to play the existing default whisper.
Whisper OptionOff, Agent Only, Both Agent and Caller

Determines whether the whisper is played to the agent, or the caller and the agent, or neither.

Insert excerpt

For information about the format of the audio files, see Recording and preparing audio used in applets.

Whisper AudioImage Removed

If enabled for your account and with Skills Based router behavior type:

Whisper Audio (dynamic)Image Removed

Salesforce Record Display
(only available if enabled in account—if not available

Salesforce Record Display

(only available if enabled in account—if not available, the caller's CLID is used to control Salesforce object popping)


Off plus list of available data sources

Controls Salesforce record popping. For information about Salesforce record popping, see Salesforce record display and popping in NewVoiceMediaVonage Contact Center.

Determines whether or not to use a data source, and if so which one, to locate and display a Salesforce record related to the caller. The list of data sources contains the data sources retrieved by a Data Connector applet or applets, and available IVR slot names. The list is empty if you have not configured a Data Connector applet for the call plan associated with this applet and if you have no IVR slots configured.

Select Off to use either:

  • the CLID if there are no data sources retrieved
  • the available data source if only one data source is available

Select a data source to use if multiple data sources are available.

ACD Salesforce Object DisplayImage Removed

Group Settings

For information on how NewVoiceMedia Vonage Contact Center uses the announcements, see Interaction between announcements and agent groups in queues.

Group nList of available agent groups

The group of agents that the call is routed to. You can select up to ten groups from the groups that are available for your account. The groups are tried in order, after the time period defined in the Overflow After fields. When using skills based routing,

Group 1 is tried first, not after any overflow—therefore there is no
concept of overflow. All groups will be available from the beginning. Instead, mandatory skills with an appropriate expiry period should be set using the Skill Tagger applet.
Group 1 is tried first, not after any overflow—therefore there is no corresponding overflow field for group 1. With skills based routing, all groups are immediately available.
Select the group
corresponding overflow field for group 1.

Select the group or groups you want to direct the call to.

Overflow After (s) nNumber

The time elapsed in trying to call an agent in the group n. If no agents in group n answer the call, the call is routed to group n+1. This option is not available for skills based routing.


Overflow takes effect after the announcement and queue music, for the specified duration, have been played.

ACD Group SettingsImage Removed

Wrapup Time

Wrap settings

(only used with Skills Based router behavior type)

Wrapup Duration Wrap timeout (sseconds)Number

The number of seconds that the answering agent will go into Wrap Up (Auto) state after the call is completed. The default value, if you do not provide a value, is 15 seconds.

This value is not used with the Longest Waiting behavior type. Instead, the Max WrapUp value for the service group that routes the call is used.
ACD Wrapup TimeImage Removed

State after wrapNumber

The agent's state after their wrap state times out.

Select from one of the available states, Logged out, or Leave unchanged.

titleIntended state

The value in State after wrap overrides the intended state set by agents or supervisors while working on interactions routed by this applet. This does not apply if State after wrap is set to Leave unchanged.

titleIn this section

Child pages (Children Display)