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When you have created You can make various changes to a Dial List—you can activate the list, change the list's mode and filter settings, and so on.

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To edit a Dial List, locate and open the Dial List in edit mode. You can modify the information in any of the editable fields. The following sections describe how to make changes for specific purposes.

When you have finished editing fields, click Save. The Dial List appears in read mode.

How do I activate a newly created Dial List to enable an agent to use it?

When you initially create a Dial List you must make some changes to enable an agent to use the list. The following changes are the most important:

  • Make the list active. Select the Active check box. An agent can only use a Dial List when it is active.
  • Set the mode that Connect uses when making callscalls—preview or automatic. By default, the mode is set to preview. Click the desired mode in the Mode list. For more information about dialing modes, see Dialing modes.
  • Add any information that will help an agent making the calls, such as the purpose of the Dial List, images, and links to product documentation. Type additional information in the Description field. This information appears along with the customer record.

How do I edit filters used to select customers?

To change the filters used to select customers, modify the information in the Filter and Ordering section.


When editing an individual Dial List that was created using the Multiple Lists feature, Owner ID appears as a filter field in the Filter By Fields section. You must not edit


or remove this field unless you explicitly want to remove the Owner ID filter for the list.

If you created the Dial List using the Multiple Lists feature in a version of ContactWorld prior to 17.114, Owner ID appears as a filter field in the Filter By Fields section with no value. To save the Dial List you must select the correct value for Owner ID, unless you explicitly want to remove the Owner ID filter for the list.

If you want to update the filters for all individual Dial Lists created using the Multiple Lists feature, depending on the number of Dial Lists, your best option might be to delete the lists and start again. For information about creating multiple individual Dial Lists, see Creating multiple individual Dial Lists for agents.

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If you cannot see the Filter and Ordering section, you may be using an edit page that doesn't include the section. To use the edit page with the Filter and Ordering section, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to Setup in Salesforce.
  2. On the left-hand side of the Salesforce window, in the Quick Find field, type Objects.
  3. In the filtered list of items, click either Objects or Object Manager, depending on whether you are using Salesforce Classic or Salesforce Lightning Experience respectively.
  4. Locate and open the Dial List in read mode if not already open. Click Edit. The Dial List appears in edit mode.

    You can change the following fields:

    FieldDescriptionNameThe name of the Dial List.ModeThe dialing mode used for making calls—preview or automatic. By default, the mode is set to preview. For more information about dialing modes, see Dialing modes.ActiveWhether or not the Dial List is active. An agent can only use a Dial List when it is active.DescriptionAdditional notes for the agent making the calls that are displayed along with the customer details. Notes can include the reason for calling, images, and links to product information.

    Depending on your Dial List page layout, you can also change various other fields that are available on list creation, including priority and permissible call times. For information about these fields, see Creating a single Dial List or Creating multiple individual Dial Lists for agents.

    Edit Dial List in Salesforce Classic

    Edit Dial ListImage Removed

    Edit Dial List in Salesforce Lightning Experience

    Edit Dial List (Lightning)Image Removed
  5. Click Save. The Dial List appears in read mode.


  1. your Dial List object.
  2. Click Buttons, Links, and Actions either at the top of the object or on the left-hand side.
  3. Locate and click to edit the Edit button.
  4. Alongside Override With, click No Override (use default).
  5. Click Save.

You cannot edit filters and custom fields at the same time. For more information, see the How do I edit custom fields on a Dial List? section later in this page.

How do I edit the phone numbers that Connect dials and the order in which Connect dials them?

To change the phone numbers that Connect dials and the order in which Connect dials them, modify the information in the Select phone number fields section.

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How do I set the priority of a Dial List? 

Depending on your Dial List page layout and if the cross-list prioritization feature is enabled for your account, you can change the priority of a Dial List. For information about prioritizing Dial Lists, see Cross-list prioritization.

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Priority is a custom field. You cannot edit filters and custom fields at the same time. For information about making the Priority field available for editing on a Dial List record, see the How do I edit custom fields on a Dial List? section later in this page. Alternatively add the field to a view and edit the value from there.

How do I set the permissible call times for a Dial List? 

Depending on your Dial List page layout and if the permissible call times feature is enabled for your account, you can change the permissible call times for a Dial List. For information about permissible call times, see Permissible call times for Dial Lists.

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You cannot edit filters and custom fields at the same time. For more information, see the How do I edit custom fields on a Dial List? section later in this page.

How do I edit custom fields on a Dial List?

The default edit page for a Dial List enables you to modify filters and sort order for lists. This page does not use the standard Salesforce page layout and does not contain any custom fields you might have added to your Dial List object. If you need to edit a custom field, override the default edit page with the standard page.

To use the standard page with custom fields, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to Setup in Salesforce.
  2. On the left-hand side of the Salesforce window, in the Quick Find field, type Objects.
  3. In the filtered list of items, click either Objects or Object Manager, depending on whether you are using Salesforce Classic or Salesforce Lightning Experience respectively.
  4. Locate and open your Dial List object.
  5. Click Buttons, Links, and Actions either at the top of the object or on the left-hand side.
  6. Locate and click to edit the Edit button.
  7. Alongside Override With, click Standard Page.
  8. Click Save.

You cannot edit filters and custom fields at the same time. For information about editing filters, see the How do I edit filters used to select customers? section later in this page.

How do I assign agents to Dial Lists?


To assign users to a Dial List, you must have the list open in read mode, not edit mode.

You must have at least one agent assigned to a list for the list to be usable. Depending on which type of Dial List you created, Connect may have assigned one or more agents at the time of creation. To enable a specific agent to use a Dial List, you must assign that agent to the list.

To assign individual agents to Dial List, perform the following steps:

  1. Locate and open the Dial List in read mode if not already open. Click Assign UsersPick Agents appears.
  2. Select the agents you want to assign to the Dial List in the All Agents list and click >>> to add the agents to the Assigned list.
  3. Click Save. Connect will assign a call to one of the assigned agents when that agent requests their next call. Depending on the type of the Dial List, the agent may need to be the owner of the record to which the call relates.

You can also unassign agents from a Dial List. You might want to unassign an agent if the agent is on leave, changes role or leaves the company, for example, and is therefore unavailable to make calls associated with this Dial List. To unassign an agent, perform the same steps as in assigning agents, but in Pick Agents select the agents you want to unassign from the list in the Assigned list and click <<< to move the agent back to the All Agents list.

To assign a group of agents to Dial List, perform the following steps:

  1. Locate and open the Dial List in read mode if not already open. Click Assign GroupsAssign Groups to Dial List appears.
  2. Select the groups you want to assign to the Dial List in the Available list and click >>> to add the group to the Assigned list.
  3. Click Save, this will synchronize the agents in the group to the Dial List. 

You can unassign a group from a Dial List in a similar fashion as for single agents.

Once an agent is assigned to a Dial List as part of the as part of a group, they are not unassignable in the Assign Users UI, they can only be removed by either removing them from the group, or removing the group from the Dial List.


If the Grant Access Using Hierarchies check box is selected in the public group, the managers of the group members are not assigned to the dial list. 


Removing an agent from a group will not immediately remove them from the Dial List. The supervisor can manually synchronize the dial list agents using the Synchronize Assigned Groups button available in the dial lists' list viewFor active dial lists, the synchronization happens automatically while agents are actively working with Connect.

How do I configure how often Connect updates dynamic Dial Lists and how many calls Connect creates?

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You might want to change the cache settings for high priority lists that you'd like to update more frequently, or for lower priority lists, updating them less frequently, to improve the performance of the system.

The default cache settings are configured in custom settings. For information about setting the default cache settings, see Configuring dynamic Dial Lists.

To override the default cache settings, provide the required values in the following fields:

Cache size

The maximum number of call records that Connect adds to a Dial List after updating the Dial List or when an agent requires more call records.

Cache expire time (s)

The interval between Dial List updates in seconds. When this time is exceeded, Connect schedules a job to update the Dial List in the background.

Max cache expire time (s)

The longest time, in seconds, that a Dial List can go without Connect updating it. When this time is exceeded, Connect updates the Dial List immediately.

An agent waiting for their next call might experience a slight delay while Connect updates the list.

Dial List cache settingsImage Added