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Filter-only fields

Duration unit

This filter-only field defines the duration unit — milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days — for duration measures. By default, this is milliseconds.


Adding Duration target as a dashboard filter allows you to dynamically change the target duration dimension.


Call time breakdown

Cross talkThe duration of the conversation in which the agent and customer were talking simultaneously.

AgentThe duration of the conversation in which only the agent was talking.

CustomerThe duration of the conversation in which only the customer was talking.

SilenceThe duration of the conversation in which the agent and client were both silent.

CategoryThe name of the category matched during the conversation.

First Agent IDThe unique identifier of the first agent in conversation. The agent's ID is defined in the Vonage Contact Center (VCC) admin portal during agent creation.

Interaction - start date

15 min

The date and time at which the interaction started, rounded down to the nearest 15-minute period. In YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm format. 

For an inbound interaction, this is when it arrived in VCC. For an outbound or internal interaction, this is when the agent initiated it.

For example, 2021-07-31 19:15.


The date on which the interaction started. In YYYY-MM-DD format.

For an inbound interaction, this is when it arrived in VCC. For an outbound or internal interaction, this is when the agent initiated it.

For example, 2021-07-31.


The month in which the interaction started. In YYYY-MM format. 

For an inbound interaction, this is when it arrived in VCC. For an outbound or internal interaction, this is when the agent initiated it.

For example, 2021-07.


The quarter of the year in which the interaction started. In YYYY-Qx format. 

For an inbound interaction, this is when it arrived in VCC. For an outbound or internal interaction, this is when the agent initiated it.

For example, 2022-Q3


The exact date and time at which the interaction started to the nearest second. In YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format. 

For an inbound interaction, this is when it arrived in VCC. For an outbound or internal interaction, this is when the agent initiated it.

For example, 2021-07-31 19:36:45.


The Monday of the week in which the interaction started. In YYYY-MM-DD format. 

For an inbound interaction, this is when it arrived in VCC. For an outbound or internal interaction, this is when the agent initiated it.

For example, 2021-07-26.

Interaction IDThe unique identifier for the interaction.

LanguageThe language in which the conversation was carried out.

ProfileProfile name.

Recording timeThe total duration of the recorded conversation. The sum of the agent, customer, cross talk, and silence durations.

SubcategoryThe name of the subcategory matched during the conversation.

Subcategory matchesThe number of times the subcategory was matched during the conversation.

Agent talk time (%)The amount of time that an agent was talking as a percentage of the total duration of the conversation.

Agent talk time (duration)

AverageAverage time the agent spent talking during the conversation. Default unit is milliseconds.

MaximumMaximum time the agent spent talking during the conversation. Default unit is milliseconds.

MinimumMinimum time the agent spent talking during the conversation. Default unit is milliseconds.

TotalTotal time the agent spent talking during the conversation. Default unit is milliseconds.

Agent talk time (hh:mm:ss)

AverageAverage time the agent spent talking during the conversation. In hh:mm:ss format.

MaximumMaximum time the agent spent talking during the conversation. In hh:mm:ss format.

MinimumMinimum time the agent spent talking during the conversation. In hh:mm:ss format.

TotalTotal time the agent spent talking during the conversation. In hh:mm:ss format.

Categories found (count)

The number of categories matched during the conversation.

Cross talk time (%)

The amount of time that the agent and client were talking simultaneously as a percentage of the total duration of the conversation.

Cross talk time (duration)

AverageAverage time when the agent and customer were talking simultaneously. Default unit is milliseconds.

MaximumMaximum time when the agent and customer were talking simultaneously. Default unit is milliseconds.

MinimumMinimum time when the agent and customer were talking simultaneously. Default unit is milliseconds.

TotalTotal time when the agent and customer were talking simultaneously. Default unit is milliseconds.

Cross talk time (hh:mm:ss)

AverageAverage time when the agent and customer were talking simultaneously. In hh:mm:ss format.

MaximumMaximum time when the agent and customer were talking simultaneously. In hh:mm:ss format.

MinimumMinimum time when the agent and customer were talking simultaneously. In hh:mm:ss format.

TotalTotal time when the agent and customer were both simultaneously. In hh:mm:ss format.

Customer talk time (%)

The amount of time that the customer was talking as a percentage of the total duration of the conversation.

Customer talk time (duration)

AverageAverage time the customer spent talking during conversation. Default unit is milliseconds.

MaximumMaximum time the customer spent talking during conversation. Default unit is milliseconds.

MinimumMinimum time the customer spent talking during conversation. Default unit is milliseconds.

TotalTotal time the customer spent talking during conversation. Default unit is milliseconds.

Customer talk time (hh:mm:ss)

AverageAverage time when agent and customer were both talking simultaneously. In hh:mm:ss format.

MaximumMaximum time when agent and customer were both talking simultaneously. In hh:mm:ss format.

MinimumMinimum time when agent and customer were both talking simultaneously. In hh:mm:ss format.

TotalTotal time when agent and customer were both talking simultaneously. In hh:mm:ss format.

Silence time (%)Part of a conversation when the agent and client were both silent as a percentage of the total time of conversation.

Silence time (duration)

AverageAverage time when the agent and client were both silent during conversation. Default unit is milliseconds.

MaximumMaximum time when the agent and client were both silent during conversation. Default unit is milliseconds.

MinimumMinimum time when the agent and client were both silent during conversation. Default unit is milliseconds.

TotalTotal time when the agent and client were both silent during conversation. Default unit is milliseconds.

Silence time (hh:mm:ss)

AverageAverage time when the agent and client were both silent. In hh:mm:ss format.

MaximumMaximum time when the agent and client were both silent. In hh:mm:ss format.

MinimumMinimum time when the agent and client were both silent. In hh:mm:ss format.

TotalTotal time when the agent and client were both silent. In hh:mm:ss format.

Subcategories found (count)Total number of subcategories matched during the conversation.