Customer Support Guide

Customer Support Guide

How do I get help?

If you need help with any of Vonage Contact Center's products, choose one of the following options:

NewVoiceMedia Products
Visit Vonage Contact Center Product Documentation for information about Vonage Contact Center products.
Community Hub — from any device

If you have a question, problem or a service request, then you can log a case easily using our online Community Hub. The Hub is a free service for all Vonage Contact Center customers.

If you are a registered user, to access the Hub any time, visit hub.newvoicemedia.com

If you are a new user, to sign up, visit newvoicemedia.com/pages/welcome-to-the-community.

The Community Hub enables you perform the following tasks and more:

  • Submit and track support requests for your Vonage Contact Center Account
  • Add and view all attachments for existing cases
  • Chat to an expert via our new 'live chat' facility
  • Close and re open cases with one click

Within minutes of logging a case you will receive email confirmation with a unique reference number for tracking purposes.

If you have an urgent (P1 or P2) case, please call our 24-hour Support Engineers.

Phone—here to help 24/7


Call our 24/7 Customer Support team on one of the telephone numbers for your region:

  • United Kingdom: (+44) 0800 316 1317

  • France: (+33) 0800 945 776 (Option 2)

  • USA: (+1) 855-800-6342

  • Australia: 1800 444 686 or 1800 456 143

  • All Other Regions: +44 (0) 207 760 8888

Our Customer Support team will log a case and provide you with the unique case reference number while speaking to you. You will also receive a confirmation email which will include your unique case reference number. You will need this number to follow the progress of your case.

Online documentation

You can find help and troubleshooting advice for most common issues in our online documentation.

Visit Vonage Contact Center Product Documentation for detailed help articles on all areas of our product.

Social media

Visit our social media accounts:

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Trust & Incidents

We continually test the performance of our operations every 7-8 seconds and release the results every 20-30 minutes. To check service availability, as well as viewing any current and past incidents, please visit our Trust site.


If you feel that your case is not progressing and you would like to escalate this, please follow the case escalation path:

  1. Call our 24/7 Customer Support team and ask for your case to be escalated to a Team Leader
  2. Email Support Management
Support and documentation feedback

For general assistance, please contact Customer Support.

For help using this documentation, please send an email to docs_feedback@vonage.com. We're happy to hear from you. Your contribution helps everyone at Vonage! Please include the name of the page in your email.