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By default, if you have more than one Dial List in your account, Connect must decide which Dial Entry to assign to the agent requesting their next call. Connect uses Connect uses the date and time that the Dial Lists were last activated to make this decision.  Connect Connect assigns Dial Entries from the Dial List that was activated longest ago.  A A Dial List is activated when you click to activate the list and when Connect assigns a Dial Entry from that list to the agent. This ensures that Connect processes all Dial Lists evenly.

If you have the cross-list prioritization feature enabled for your account, you can prioritize Dial Lists. Prioritizing Dial Lists overrides the default behavior. Connect assigns Dial Entries according to the priority of the available Dial Lists, assigning Dial Entries from the Dial Lists with a higher priority . A Dial List with the lowest priority value is the highest priority and Connect assigns this list first. If two lists have the same priority, Connect uses the default behavior to assign Dial Entries in those lists.

Supervisors define the priority of the a new Dial List in the Priority  Priority field in the the Create New Dial List page. In an existing Dial List page, or in the the Priority field is in the Dial List Detail  section in an existing Dial Listsection. By default, priority is 0not specified. Connect prioritizes all Dial Lists with a value in the Priority field over those without.

Create New Dial List



List namePriorityOrder in which Connect retrieves Dial Entries
Hot Leads1011
Warm Leads 152 (alternates with entries in Warm Leads 2)
Warm Leads 252 (alternates with entries in Warm Leads 1)
Regular Leads0103

Use case

An organization wants agents to make calls to Hot Leads before Warm and Regular Leads, and Warm Leads before Regular leads.

List namePriorityDial Entries

Hot Leads


Hot 1
Hot 2
Hot 3

Warm Leads A


Warm A1

Warm A2

Warm Leads B


Warm B1

Warm B2

Regular Leads


Regular 1

When agents click for their next calls, Connect assigns the Dial Entries from the Hot Leads list, then from both Warm Leads and finally from Regular Leads:
