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The Interaction Detail details dashboard contains presents the most detailed data about individual interactions. Information about an interaction includes details about queue events (if the for inbound interaction was inbound), how long parties involved in the interaction spent in each state, and a detailed breakdown of all events that took place in the interaction.

At the top of the dashboard you need to specify the ID of the interaction you want to analyze:

  • Interaction IdID—the unique identifier for the interaction.


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titleDetailed explanation of tiles

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indentDetailed explanation of tiles

Interaction tile

The Interaction tile displays basic details about the interaction, such as start time, initial direction, and target destination and source of the interaction.

The Interaction tile contains the following columns:


  • Interaction IdID—the unique identifier for the interaction.
  • Conversation IdID—the unique identifier for the conversation. A conversation can contain multiple interactions, for example, an inbound call, a queued callback, and a subsequent callback attempt.
  • Start time—the start date and time of the interactionexact time and date on which the interaction started to the closest second. In YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format. For example, 2021-07-31 19:36:45.
  • Media manager—the origin application of the interaction. For example Vonage Contact Center (VCC) or Vonage Business Cloud (VBC—the origin of an interaction—one of VBC, VCC, Salesforce, or SkypeForBusiness (depending on features enabled for the account).
  • Media type—the means of communication method used in for the interaction. For example, Phone, Email, or External Work.
  • Initial direction—the —the direction of the interaction when it started. Initial direction can be either Inbound (initiated by an external party), Outbound (initiated by an agent to an external party), or Internal (initiated by an agent to another agent).
  • Service name—the interaction plan's service name. Service name is used to differentiate multiple interaction plans with similar names or to group plans for reporting purposes. Value is null for interaction plans created in Interaction Plans Manager.
  • From—the Connect from—the address of the party that initiated the interaction; the source of the interaction. For a call, the address is a phone number. For a non-call , From is the source's phone number.To—the target destination interaction, the address changes based upon the media type. For example, the address may be an email address for cases. For an inbound interaction, Connect from is the customer's address. For an outbound interaction, it is the agent's callback number. For an internal interaction, it is the agent's name.
  • Connect to—the address of the party being contacted by the interaction; the target of the interaction. For a call, the address is a phone number. For a non-call , To is the target phone numberinteraction, the address changes based upon the media type. For example, the address may be an email address for cases. For an inbound interaction, Connect to is the address that the customer used when contacting VCC. For an outbound interaction, it is the address of the customer being contacted. For an internal interaction, this is the name of the agent being contacted.
  • Handle time—the —the time the that an agent or agents spent handling the interaction.


  • have spent working with an interaction in hh:mm:ss format. For example, 00:41:07. If multiple agents have handled the interaction, all agents' handle time in relation to the interaction is included. Handle time includes the time agents have spent in Alerting, Connected, and Wrap states, for interactions where an agent connected. For non-live interactions (cases), handle time does not include time when the interaction was interrupted or parked. 

Queue events tile

The Queue Eventsevents tile displays details related to the queue or queues the interaction entered, such as the queue name, presented skills, queue results, and the duration the interaction spent in queue. The tile is empty for outbound interactions.

The Queue Eventsevents tile contains the following columns:


Queue entry time—the start time of the event.


  • Interaction ID—the unique identifier for the interaction.
  • Start time—the exact time and date on which the queueing event started to the closest second in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format. For example, 2021-07-31 19:36:45.
  • Channel role—the role of the channel—one of External, Agent, or Monitor.
  • NameQueue—the name of the queue, applet, interaction plan, or data source in events of the respective types.
  • Presented skills—the skills that the interaction was tagged with when it entered the queue.
  • Virtual queuesqueue—the virtual queues queue(s) that the interaction entered.
  • ResultQueue result—the outcome of a queue event. For example, Delivered, HangUp, or NoAgentsBreakout.
  • Duration (time)—the time that the event lasted.hh:mm:ss)—the duration of time the queue event lasted in hh:mm:ss format. For example, 00:21:37.
  • Duration (seconds)—the duration that length of the event lasted as a numberqueue event in seconds.




channel roles tile

The Interaction Party Rolesparty roles tile displays details about all parties involved in the interaction with a breakdown of total duration of times for ringing, connected, and wrap states. The tile also contains a graphical representation of the timeline with marked event times for all parties.

The Interaction Party Rolesparty roles tile contains the following columns:

  • Interaction ID—the unique identifier for the interaction.
  • Channel IdIDthe unique identifier for the channel.
  • Party Channel role—the —the role of the party, either Externalchannel—one of External, Agent, or Monitor.
  • Agent—the name —name of the agent as as defined in the Vonage Contact Center (VCC) Admin PortalVCC admin portal during agent creation.
  • Agent Id—the IDthe unique identifier for the party. If Party role is Agent, Agent Id contains the agent’s ID, as defined in the VCC admin portal during agent creation. For a channel created by a Call Connect Router applet, the value is CCRConnectagent if channel role is 'Agent'. If Channel role is 'External' and the interaction went through a Call Connect Router applet, Agent ID is 'CCRConnect', otherwise the Agent ID is null. If Channel role is 'Monitor', AgentID is null.
  • Address—the address of the partychannel, such as a phone number or email address (if known).
  • Alerting - Total duration time—the total duration of time when interaction party was in ringing state.

  • Connected - Total duration timethe total duration of time when interaction party was in connected state.

  • Wrap - Total duration time—the total duration of time when interaction party was in wrap state.

In the following example:

  • Presented interaction involved two parties—the agent and an external party.
    The agent took 11 seconds to accept this inbound interaction; the agent was connected with the external party for 20 minutes and 45 seconds with a 3 minute and 14 seconds wrap state after disconnecting from the external party.
    The external party spent 21 minutes and 41 seconds being connected in this interaction, which means it took 56 seconds for the external party to be connected to the agent.

  • On the visual representation, the interaction timeline displays durations of events for the agent and external party. The leftmost end of the timeline shows the period that the external party waited to be connected to the agent (56 seconds). The next tile—Interaction Events—provides more detail about this period of time. 


Interaction Events tile


  • . For secure payment channels, the value is AgentAssist.
  • Ringing (total duration)—the total duration of time the system waited for the channel role to accept the interaction in hh:mm:ss format. For example, 00:21:37.
  • Connected (total duration)—the total duration of time the channel party spent being connected in hh:mm:ss format. For example, 00:21:37.
  • Wrap (total duration)—the total duration of time the agent spent in the Wrap state after being disconnected from external channel roles in hh:mm:ss format. For example, 00:21:37.

Interaction events tile

The Interaction events tile displays the most detailed view of all interaction events that took place for all parties channels involved, broken down by event type, name, and durations. Data in the Interaction Events dashboard is commonly found in a call detail record (CDR). 

The Interaction Eventsevents tile contains the following columns:

  • Interaction IdID—the unique identifier for an interaction.
  • Event start date—the start time of the eventStart timethe exact time and date on which the interaction event started to the closest second in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format. For example, 2021-07-31 19:36:45.
  • Channel role—the —the role of the party, either Externalchannel—one of External, Agent, or Monitor.
  • Agent—the name —name of the agent as as defined in the Vonage Contact Center (VCC) Admin PortalVCC admin portal during agent creation.
  • Agent Id—the IDthe unique identifier for the party. If agent if channel role is 'Agent'. If Channel role is Agent'External' and the interaction went through a Call Connect Router applet, Agent Id contains the agent’s ID, as defined in the VCC admin portal during agent creation. For a channel created by a Call Connect Router, the value is CCRConnectID is 'CCRConnect', otherwise the Agent ID is null. If Channel role is 'Monitor', AgentID is null.
  • Address—the address of the partychannel, such as a phone number or email address (if known). For secure payment channels, the value is AgentAssist.
  • Type—the type of event. For example, Applet, Connected, Interaction plan, or Queue.
  • Event name—the name of the queue, applet, interaction plan, or data source in events of the respective types.
  • Start—the total duration of time after the start of the interaction that the event startedstarted in hh:mm:ss format. For example, 00:21:37.
  • End—the —the total duration of time after the start of the interaction that the event endedended in hh:mm:ss format. For example, 00:21:37.
  • Duration (time)—the time in minutes and seconds that the event lastedhh:mm:ss)—the duration of time the event lasted in hh:mm:ss format. For example, 00:21:37.
  • Duration (seconds)—the time in seconds that the event lasted.

In the following example:

  • The interaction was started by the external party.

  • It took 45 seconds for agent's phone to start ringing. The agent accepted the call after 11 seconds, resulting in a total of 56 seconds for the external party to successfully connect to the agent.

  • The external party was then connected to the agent for 21 minutes and 41 seconds.

  • When both parties were connected, the call recording event happened and lasted the whole time that the parties were connected.

  • After disconnecting with external party, agent spent 3 minutes and 14 seconds in wrap state.  


  • —the length of the event in seconds. Duration for some event types is always 0.