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The Agent performance - interactions dashboard presents basic data about agents' activity. Information includes metrics about inbound, outbound, and internal interactions and details about customer hold times.

At the top of the dashboard, you can set global filters for this dashboard:

  • Data range—the period of time you want to analyze data for. You can choose different preset ranges or you can specify your own custom data range. By default, Data range is set to yesterday.
  • Agent—the agents (identified by name) that you want to analyze data for. You can choose different rules to narrow down the group of agents in the dashboard. By default, the Agent filter contains all agents. 
  • Agent ID—the agents (identified by ID) that you want to analyze data for. You can choose different rules to narrow down the group of agents in the dashboard. By default, the Agent ID filter contains all agents.  
  • Group—the group (identified by name) you want to analyze data for. You can choose different rules to narrow down the agents (assigned to the selected group or groups) in the dashboard. By default, the Group filter contains all groups and displays data for all agents.
  • Media manager—the origin application of the interaction. Choose from VCC (Vonage Contact Center), VBC (Vonage Business Cloud), or Salesforce. By default, the Media manager filter contains all media types.
  • Media type—the communication method used in the interaction. Choose from different media types available in your account, such as Phone, Phone Callback, and External Work. By default, the Media type filter contains all media types.


  • Agent—the name of the agent as defined in the VCC admin portal during agent creation.
  • Agent ID—the unique identifier for the agent. This is the ID of the agent as defined in the VCC admin portal during agent creation.
  • Device busy—the number of alerting interactions that failed to be delivered to the agent due to their device being busy (outside VCC) or the agent declined declining the interaction. When the agent uses WebRTC, the agent's headset may have been busy because the agent was on in another meeting. 
  • No answer—the number of alerting interactions that the agent failed to answer. The alert either timed out or the agent rejected the interaction. If media type is phone, the telephone was not answered by the agent before it stopped ringing. The number of interactions may include inbound, outbound and internal interactions.
  • Device unreachablethe number of alerting interactions that failed to be delivered to the agent due to their device being unreachable.
  • Fault—the number of alerting interactions that failed with delivery to the agent due to system/network failure.
  • Total—the total number of interactions that failed to be delivered to the agent.


  • Agent—the name of the agent as defined in the VCC admin portal during agent creation.
  • Agent ID—the unique identifier for the agent. This is the ID of the agent as defined in the VCC admin portal during agent creation.
  • Handledthe number of unique interactions that were handled by the agent. When the same interaction is offered to an agent multiple times from a queue, the Handled does not increases increase for each occurrence. 
  • Avg. alerting duration—the average time the system waited for the agent to accept or reject an inbound interaction—for calls this is the time the agent's phone was ringing in hh:mm:ss format. For example, 00:21:37.
  • Avg. connected duration—the average duration of time the agent spent being connected to external parties in hh:mm:ss format. For example, 00:21:37.
  • Avg. wrap durationthe average duration of time the agent spent in the Wrap state after being disconnected from external parties in hh:mm:ss format. For example, 00:21:37.
  • Avg. handle time—the average time the agent spent handling interactions delivered from the queue in hh:mm:ss format. For example, 00:21:37. For inbound interactions, Avg. handle time is the sum of the avg. connected duration and avg. wrap duration


  • Agent—the name of the agent as defined in the VCC admin portal during agent creation.
  • Agent ID—the unique identifier for the agent. This is the ID of the agent as defined in the VCC admin portal during agent creation.
  • Offered—the number of outbound interactions initiated by the agent. The number of interactions initiated by the agent, where the intended destination was an external party. This does not indicate a connection to a second party.
  • Connected—the number of outbound interactions initiated and accepted by the agent, and successfully connected to external parties. 
  • Avg. alerting durationthe average duration of time the system waited for the agent to accept the interaction initiated by the agent in hh:mm:ss format. For example, 00:21:37.
  • Avg. connected duration—the average duration of time the agent spent being connected to external parties in hh:mm:ss format. For example, 00:21:37.
  • Avg. wrap durationthe average duration of time the agent spent in the Wrap state after being disconnected from external parties in hh:mm:ss format. For example, 00:21:37.
  • Avg. handle time—the average time the agent spent handling the initiated interaction that was successfully connected to an external party, in hh:mm:ss format. For example, 00:21:37. For outbound interactions, Avg. handle time is calculated as the sum of avg. alerting duration, avg. connected duration , and avg. wrap durations for answered interactions. 

Internal initiated & offered and Internal handle times tiles

The Internal initiated & offered tile displays details about handled internal interactions broken down by average alerting, connected, and wrap durations. 

The Internal initiated & offered tile contains the following columns:


  • Agent—the agent's name as defined in the Vonage Contact Center (VCC) Admin Portal.
  • Agent ID—the unique identifier for the agent. This is the ID of the agent as defined in the VCC admin portal during agent creation.
  • Avg. altering durationthe average duration of time for the agent to connect to their device after initiating an internal interaction or when being alerted to join internal interaction in hh:mm:ss format. For example, 00:21:37.
  • Avg. connected duration—the average duration of time the system waited for the agent to accept the initiated interaction in hh:mm:ss format. For example, 00:21:37.
  • Avg. wrap durationthe average duration of time the agent spent in the Wrap state after being disconnected to from the second agent in hh:mm:ss format. For example, 00:21:37.


  • Agent ID—the unique identifier for the agent. This is the ID of the agent as defined in the VCC admin portal during agent creation.
  • Calls with hold—the number of call-type interactions where an external party was placed on hold.
  • Holds—the total number of hold events in call-type interactions where an external party was placed on hold.
  • Avg. hold event per call—the average number of hold events during call-type interactions with at least one hold event for an external party
  • Avg. durationthe average duration of time the external party spent on hold during a call-type interaction in hh:mm:ss format. For example, 00:21:37.
  • Max durationthe maximum duration of time the external party spent on hold during a call-type interaction in hh:mm:ss format. For example, 00:21:37.
