Versions Compared


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Agent names listThe names of the agents who handled the interaction. In chronological order.

First agent nameThe name of the first agent who handled the interaction.

Last agent nameThe name of the last agent who handled the interaction.

Call Quality

Audio problems

Audio problems reported by the agent during the interaction. Multiple values are separated by commas.

If available, Audio problem will contain one or more of the following values: Too loud, Too quiet, Echo, Distortion, Background noise, Delay, Other.

Audio problems (count)The number of audio problems reported by an agent during the interaction.

MOSThe Mean Opinion Score for the audio quality of the interaction.

Conversation Analyzer

AnalyzedIndicates whether the interaction has been analyzed by Conversation Analyzer — either 'Yes' or 'No'.

Analyzed at

The date and time at when the interaction was analyzed by Conversation Analyzer to the nearest second. In YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm format.

For example, 2021-07-31 19:15.

Initial interaction plan

Address nameThe destination that is mapped to the interaction plan. Destinations are mapped to interaction plans and are used by customers to contact agents in VCC.

Initial interaction planThe name of the first interaction plan the interaction entered.

Mapping nameThe name of the mapping that connected the interaction's initial destination to the first interaction plan.

Service name

If you are using Interaction Plans Manager:

  • The service name value assigned to the interaction. Service name can be the name of the destination used to contact VCC, the name of the interaction plan in which the interaction was first processed, or the reporting group of the interaction plan in which the interaction was first processed.


  • The service name value assigned to the interaction plan.


Call recordedIndicates whether the interaction has been recorded — either 'Yes' or 'No'.

Connect fromThe address of the party that initiated the interaction; the source of the interaction.
For a call, the address is a phone number. For a non-call interaction, the address changes based on the media type. For example, the address may be an email address for cases.
For an inbound interaction, Connect from is the customer's address. For an outbound interaction, it is the agent's callback number. For internal interactions, it is the agent's name.

Connect toThe address of the party being contacted by the interaction; the target of the interaction.
For a call, the address is a phone number. For a non-call interaction, the address changes based on the media type. For example, the address may be an email address for cases.
For an inbound interaction, Connect to is the address that the customer used when contacting VCC. For an outbound interaction, it is the address of the customer being contacted. For an internal interaction, this is the name of the agent being contacted.

Connected durationThe time from when the first party connected to the interaction until the last party disconnected. Unit is determined by filter-only field Duration unit. By default, in milliseconds.

Connected duration (hh:mm:ss)The time from when the first party connected to the interaction until the last party disconnected. Unit is determined by filter-only field Duration unit. In hh:mm:ss format.

Consult destination


Conversation IDThe unique identifier for the conversation. A conversation can contain multiple interactions, for example, an inbound call, a queued callback, and a subsequent callback attempt.

Disposition codeThe last disposition code reported for the interaction.

DivertedIndicates whether the interaction was routed through a Call Connect Router applet — either 'Yes' or 'No'.

Initial directionThe direction of the interaction when it started—one of Inbound (initiated by an external party), Outbound (initiated by an agent to an external party), or Internal (initiated by an agent to another agent).

Media managerThe means of communication used for the interaction. For example, Phone, Email, or External Work.

Media typeThe origin of an interaction—one of VBC, VCC, Salesforce, SkypeForBusiness, or N/A (depending on features enabled for the account).

Monitor typeChronological list of all types of monitoring for an interaction.

MonitoredIndicates whether one or more supervisors monitored the call — either 'Yes' or 'No'.


The computed outcome of the interaction — one of:

  • For outbound
    • Callback request delivered. A callback request was delivered to, and accepted by, an agent. An outbound call to the external contact who requested the callback starts.

      Note that this does not indicate a successful callback. The subsequent outbound call may have an outcome of callback connected, callback failed, or callback not connected.

    • Callback request abandoned in bot.A callback request was abandoned while connected to a bot and no outbound call from an agent to the external contact was initiated. Note that this commonly occurs due to a queue breakout abandoning the queuing callback request.
    • Callback connected.An outbound call from an agent to an external contact started and the external contact answered. The outbound call was initiated due to a callback request being routed to the agent.
    • Callback not connected. An outbound call from an agent to an external contact started, but the external contact did not answer. The outbound call was initiated due to a callback request being routed to the agent.
    • Callback failed. An outbound call from an agent to an external contact started, but the connection failed. The outbound call was initiated due to a callback request being routed to the agent.
    • Outbound connected. An outbound interaction from an agent to an external contact started and the external contact accepted. 
    • Outbound not connected. An outbound interaction from an agent to an external contact started, but the external contact did not accept.
    • Outbound failed. An outbound interaction from an agent to an external contact started, but the connection failed.
  • For inbound
    • Handled by agent. An inbound interaction from an external contact connected to at least one agent.
    • Handled by CCR. An inbound interaction from an external contact connected to another external contact through a Call Connect Router applet.
    • Abandoned in queue. An external contact on an inbound interaction ended the interaction while waiting in a queue.
    • Message taken. An external contact on an inbound interaction ended the interaction after leaving either a personal or group voicemail.
    • Abandoned in bot. An external contact on an inbound interaction ended the interaction while connected to a bot.
    • Callback requested. A callback was requested by an external contact while connected to a bot. The interaction ended.
  • For internal
    • Internal connected. An internal interaction from an agent to another agent started and the recipient agent accepted.
    • Internal not connected. An internal interaction from an agent to another agent started and the recipient agent did not accept.
    • Internal failed. An internal interaction from an agent to another agent started, but the connection failed. Note that this outcome is not currently available.
  • For all directions
    • Unknown. No interaction outcome criteria were met.

Target duration metIndicates if the duration of the event matches the duration target filter.

Transfer destination


Indicates that the controlling agent transferred the interaction to another participant — either 'Yes' or 'No'. Transferred is set to 'Yes' only for cold transfers directly to participants, and set to 'No' in all other cases including warm transfers or cold transfers to interaction plans.

Interaction plan

Destination nameThe mapping that connects the Destination/Interaction Connect From to an interaction plan.

Initial interaction plan pathThe name of the initial/destination/target interaction plan in which the interaction started.

Last applet name

Last applet type

Mapping nameThe name of the mapping that determined which interaction plan the interaction was routed through.

Service nameThe interaction plan's service name. Service name is used to differentiate multiple interaction plans with similar names. Value is null for interaction plans created in Interaction Plans Manager.


Abandoned in IVRIndicates whether the interaction ended within the interaction plan, before entering a queue or connecting to another channel — either 'Yes' or 'No'.

IVR timeThe time that an interaction spent in the IVR before it entered the first queue. Only non-live interactions can be interrupted. Unit is determined by filter-only field Duration unit. By default, in milliseconds.

Last appletThe name of the last applet the interaction entered.


Payment (agent assist)Indicates whether one or more agent-assisted secure payment sessions occurred on the interaction — either 'Yes' or 'No'.

Payment (agent assist) countThe number of attempts to set up a secure payment session during the interaction.

Payment time (agent assist)The total duration of secure payment sessions on the interaction. Unit is determined by filter-only field Duration unit. By default, in milliseconds.

Payment time (agent assist) (hh:mm:ss)The total duration of secure payment sessions on the interaction. Unit is determined by filter-only field Duration unit. In hh:mm:ss format.


Abandoned in queueIndicates whether the interaction was abandoned in the queue — either 'Yes' or 'No'.

Delivery attempts (count)The number of times VCC attempted to deliver the interaction from the queue.

Delivery failed (count)The number of times VCC attempted to deliver the interaction from the queue, but delivery failed and the interaction returned to the queue.

First presented skillsThe skills that an interaction was tagged with when it entered the first queue. Multiple values are sorted alphabetically and separated by commas. Duplicates are removed.

First queueThe first queue the interaction entered.

Last presented skillsThe skills that an interaction was tagged with between entering the previous queue and the last queue. Multiple values are sorted alphabetically and separated by commas. Duplicates are removed.

Last queueThe last queue the interaction entered.

Total presented skills

The skills that an interaction with tagged with when it entered this queue. Multiple values are sorted alphabetically and separated by commas. Duplicates are removed.

Total queuesThe queues that the interaction entered. In chronological order.

Start date

15 min

The date and time at which the interaction started to the nearest 15-minute period. In YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm format.

For an inbound interaction, this is when it arrived in VCC. For an outbound or internal interaction, this is when the agent initiated it.

For example, 2021-07-31 19:15.

30 min

The date and time at which the interaction started to the nearest 30-minute period. In YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm format.

For an inbound interaction, this is when it arrived in VCC. For an outbound or internal interaction, this is when the agent initiated it.

For example, 2021-07-31 19:30.

1 hour

The date and time at which the interaction started to the nearest hour period. In YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm format.

For an inbound interaction, this is when it arrived in VCC. For an outbound or internal interaction, this is when the agent initiated it.

For example,  2021-07-31 19:00.


The date on which the interaction started. In YYYY-MM-DD format. 

For an inbound interaction, this is when it arrived in VCC. For an outbound or internal interaction, this is when the agent initiated it.

For example, 2021-07-31.


The month in which the interaction started. In YYYY-MM format. 

For an inbound interaction, this is when it arrived in VCC. For an outbound or internal interaction, this is when the agent initiated it.

For example, 2021-07.


The quarter of the year in which the interaction started. In YYYY-Qx format. 

For an inbound interaction, this is when it arrived in VCC. For an outbound or internal interaction, this is when the agent initiated it.

For example, 2022-Q3.


The exact date and time at which the interaction started to the nearest second. In YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format. 

For an inbound interaction, this is when it arrived in VCC. For an outbound or internal interaction, this is when the agent initiated it.

For example, 2021-07-31 19:36:45.


The Monday of the week in which the interaction started. In YYYY-MM-DD format. 

For an inbound interaction, this is when it arrived in VCC. For an outbound or internal interaction, this is when the agent initiated it.

For example, 2021-07-26.


The year in which the interaction started. In YYYY format. 

For an inbound interaction, this is when it arrived in VCC. For an outbound or internal interaction, this is when the agent initiated it.

For example, 2022.


Customer hold timeThe total time that an external party was put on hold. Unit is determined by filter-only field Duration unit. By default, in milliseconds.

Customer hold time (hh:mm:ss)The total time that an external party was put on hold. In hh:mm:ss format.

Handle time

The total time that an agent or agents have spent working with an interaction. Unit is determined by filter-only field Duration unit. By default, in milliseconds.

If multiple agents have handled the interaction, all agents' handle time in relation to the interaction is included.

Handle time includes the time agents have spent in connected, and wrap states, for interactions where an agent connected.

Additionally, for outbound interactions, Handle Time also includes the time the first agent has spent in the Alerting state.

For non-live interactions (cases), handle time does not include time when the interaction was interrupted or parked.

Handle time (hh:mm:ss)

The total time that an agent or agents have spent working with an interaction. In hh:mm:ss format.

If multiple agents have handled the interaction, all agents' handle time in relation to the interaction is included.

Handle time includes the time agents have spent in connected, and wrap states, for interactions where an agent connected.

Additionally, for outbound interactions, Handle Time also includes the time the first agent spent in the Alerting state.

For non-live interactions (cases), handle time does not include time when the interaction was interrupted or parked.

Interrupted time

The total time that an interaction was interrupted while an agent handled a high-priority interaction. Unit is determined by filter-only field Duration unit. By default, in milliseconds.

Only non-live interactions can be interrupted. 

Interrupted time (hh:mm:ss)

The total time that an interaction was interrupted while an agent handled a high-priority interaction. In hh:mm:ss format.

Only non-live interactions can be interrupted. 

Park time

The total time that an interaction was parked. Unit is determined by filter-only field Duration unit. By default, in milliseconds.

Only non-live interactions can be parked. 

Park time (hh:mm:ss)

The total time that an interaction was parked. In hh:mm:ss format.

Only non-live interactions can be parked. 

Talk time

The total time that an external party was connected to an agent. Unit is determined by filter-only field Duration unit. By default, in milliseconds. 

Talk time does not include time in IVR, queueing, ringing, hold, consult, transfer, and post-call work time.

Talk time (hh:mm:ss)

The total time that an external party was connected to an agent. In hh:mm:ss format.

Talk time does not include time in IVR, queueing, ringing, hold, consult, transfer, and post-call work time.

Time to answer

The total time that a party took to answer an interaction. Unit is determined by filter-only field Duration unit. By default, in milliseconds.

For an inbound interaction, this is the time between the interaction entering the first queue and the agent accepting the interaction.

For an outbound or internal interaction, this is the time between the agent accepting the initiated interaction and the second party connecting.

Time to answer (hh:mm:ss)

The total time that a party took to answer an interaction. In hh:mm:ss format.

For an inbound interaction, this is the time between the interaction entering the first queue and the agent accepting the interaction.

For an outbound or internal interaction, this is the time between the agent accepting the initiated interaction and the second party connecting.

Wrap timeThe total time that the agent spent in the wrap state after handling an interaction. Unit is determined by filter-only field Duration unit. By default, in milliseconds.

Wrap time (hh:mm:ss)The total time that the agent spent in the wrap state after handling an interaction. In hh:mm:ss format.

Count The number of items included in selected dimensions.

Call quality

Audio problems (count)Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

MOSAverage, Maximum, Minimum, and Total


Connected (count)

Connected (duration)

Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

Connected (hh:mm:ss)

Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

Follow on (count)

No answer (count)

Number busy (count)


Agent accepted (%)

Agent accepted (count)Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

Agent not accepted (count)Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

Agent offered (count)Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

All accepted (%)

All accepted (count)Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

All not accepted (count)Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

All offered (count)Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

External accepted (%)

External accepted (count)Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

External not accepted (count)Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

External offered (count)Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

Interaction plan

Abandoned (%)

Abandoned (count)

Applets (count)Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

Time to abandon (duration)Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

Time to abandon (hh:mm:ss)Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total



The following outcome measures are available:

  • Callback abandoned (count)
  • Callback connected (count)
  • Callback delivered (count)
  • Callback failed (count)
  • Callback not connected (count)
  • Callback requested (count)
  • Handled by agent (count)
  • Handled by CCR (count)
  • Interaction plan abandoned (count)
  • Internal connected (count)
  • Internal failed (count)
  • Internal not connected (count)
  • Message taken (count)
  • Ongoing (count)
  • Outbound connected (count)
  • Outbound failed (count)
  • Outbound not connected (count)
  • Queue abandoned (count)
  • Unknown (count)

Start date

The start date and time of the most/least recent selected interaction to the nearest minute. In YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm format. 

For an inbound interaction, this is when it arrived in VCC. For an outbound or internal interaction, this is when the agent initiated it.

For example, 2021-07-31 19:15.

Maximum and Minimum


The following summary measures are available:

  • Accepted (%)
  • Accepted (count)
  • Accepted inbound (%)
  • Accepted inbound (count)
  • Accepted internal (%)
  • Accepted internal (count)
  • Accepted outbound (%)
  • Accepted outbound (count)
  • Connected (count)
  • Connected internal (count)
  • Connected outbound (count)
  • Offered (count)
  • Offered inbound (count)
  • Offered internal (count)
  • Offered outbound (count)


Accepted (count)

Connected (count)

Not accepted (count)

Not connected (count)

Offered (count)

Time to accept (duration)

Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

Time to accept (hh:mm:ss)

Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

Time to connect (duration)

Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

Time to connect (hh:mm:ss)Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total


Abandoned (%)

Abandoned (count)

Accepted (%)

Accepted (count)

Breakouts - Agent declined (count)

Breakouts - Estimated wait time (count)

Breakouts - No agents (count)

Breakouts - Queue duration (count)

Breakouts - Queue length (count)

Breakouts (%)

Breakouts (count)

Cancelled (%)

Cancelled (count)

Delivery attempts (count)

Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

Delivery failures (count)

Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

Entries (count)

Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

Short abandons (count)

Time in queue (duration)

Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

Time in queue (hh:mm:ss)

Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

Time to abandon (duration)

Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

Time to abandon (hh:mm:ss)

Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

Time to accept (duration)

Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

Time to accept (hh:mm:ss)

Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

Time to breakout (duration)

Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

Time to breakout (hh:mm:ss)

Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

Time to cancel (duration)

Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

Time to cancel (hh:mm:ss)

Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

Time to voluntary breakout (duration)

Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

Time to voluntary breakout (hh:mm:ss)

Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

Voluntary breakouts (%)

Voluntary breakouts (count)


Alerting time (agent) (duration)

Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

Alerting time (agent) (hh:mm:ss)Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

Alerting time (customer) (duration)Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

Alerting time (customer) (hh:mm:ss)Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

Connected duration

The time from when the first party connected to the interaction until the last party disconnected. Unit is determined by filter-only field Duration unit. By default, in milliseconds.

Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

Connected duration (hh:mm:ss)

The time from when the first party connected to the interaction until the last party disconnected. In hh:mm:ss format.

Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

Connected time (agent) (duration)

The time from when the agent connected to the interaction until they disconnected. Unit is determined by filter-only field Duration unit. By default, in milliseconds.

Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

Connected time (agent) (hh:mm:ss)

The time from when the agent connected to the interaction until they disconnected. In hh:mm:ss format.

Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

Connected time (customer) (duration)

The time from when the customer connected to the interaction until they disconnected. Unit is determined by filter-only field Duration unit. By default, in milliseconds.

Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

Connected time (customer) (hh:mm:ss)

The time from when the customer connected to the interaction until they disconnected. In hh:mm:ss format.

Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

Handle time (duration)

The time that agents spent handling the selected interactions to the nearest second. Unit is determined by filter-only field Duration unit. By default, in milliseconds.

Handle time includes alerting time, connected time, and wrap time. It does not include hold time, interrupted time, or the time that the agent waits for another party to pick up for outbound calls.

Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

Handle time (hh:mm:ss)

The time that agents spent handling the selected interactions to the nearest second. In hh:mm:ss format.

Handle time includes alerting time, connected time, and wrap time. It does not include hold time, interrupted time, or the time that the agent waits for another party to pick up for outbound calls.

Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

Hold time (agent) (duration)Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

Hold time (agent) (hh:mm:ss)Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

Hold time (customer) (duration)

The time that customers were on hold during selected interactions. Unit is determined by filter-only field Duration unit. By default, in milliseconds.

Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

Hold time (customer) (hh:mm:ss)

The average time that customers were on hold during selected interactions. In hh:mm:ss format.

Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

Interrupted time (duration)

The time that an interaction was interrupted while an agent handled a high-priority interaction. Unit is determined by filter-only field Duration unit. By default, in milliseconds.

Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

Interrupted time (hh:mm:ss)

The total time that an interaction was interrupted while an agent handled a high-priority interaction. In hh:mm:ss format.

Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

Parked time (duration)

The time that an interaction was parked. Unit is determined by filter-only field Duration unit. By default, in milliseconds.

Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

Parked time (hh:mm:ss)

The time that an interaction was parked. In hh:mm:ss format.

Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

Talk time (duration)

The time that agents were connected to the selected interactions to the nearest second. Unit is determined by filter-only field Duration unit. By default, in milliseconds.

Talk time does not include time in IVR, queueing, ringing, hold, consult, transfer, and post-call work time. 

Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

Talk time (hh:mm:ss)

The time that agents were connected to the selected interactions to the nearest second. In hh:mm:ss format.

Talk time does not include time in IVR, queueing, ringing, hold, consult, transfer, and post-call work time. 

Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

Time to answer

The time the selected interactions waited to be answered to the nearest second. Unit is determined by filter-only field Duration unit. By default, in milliseconds.

For an inbound interaction, this is the time between the interaction entering the first queue and when the agent accepted the interaction. 

For an outbound or internal interaction, this is the time between agent accepts initiated interaction and the second party to connect.

Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

Time to answer (hh:mm:ss)

The time the selected interactions waited to be answered to the nearest second. In hh:mm:ss format.

For an inbound interaction, this is the time between the interaction entering the first queue and when the agent accepted the interaction. 

For an outbound or internal interaction, this is the time between agent accepts initiated interaction and the second party to connect.

Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

Wrap time (duration)

The time that the agent spent in the Wrap state after handling an interaction. Unit is determined by filter-only field Duration unit. By default, in milliseconds.

Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

Wrap time (hh:mm:ss)

The time that the agent spent in the Wrap state after handling an interaction. In hh:mm:ss format.

Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total


Agent accepted (%)

Agent accepted (count)Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

Agent not accepted (count)Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

Agent offered (count)Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

All accepted (%)

All accepted (count)Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

All not accepted (count)Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

All offered (count)Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

External accepted (%)

External accepted (count)Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

External not accepted (count)Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

External offered (count)Average, Maximum, Minimum, and Total

Transferred interactions (count)

Transferred more than twice (count)

Transferred once (count)

Transferred twice (count)
