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The Interaction Search dashboard displays The Interactions search dashboard presents basic information about the interactions, such as start time, initial direction, media type, and source and destination of the interaction. Commonly results from this dashboards are the input data for further interaction analysis in the Interaction Detail detail dashboard. 

The Interaction Search Interactions search dashboards offers rich filtering capabilities. Using Using filters at the top of the dashboard, you can limit results according to the specific data you want to analyze:

  • Start time—beginning of the Data range—the period of time you want to analyze data for. Choose from You can choose different preset ranges or you can specify your own custom data range. By default, start time  Data range is set to this weekyesterday.
  • Media manager—the origin application of the interaction. Choose from VCC (Vonage Contact Center), VBC (Vonage Business Cloud), or Salesforce. By default, the Media manager filter contains all media types.
  • Media type—the communication method used in the interaction. Choose from different media types available in your account, such as Phoneas Phone, Phone Callback, and External Work. By default, the dashboard displays information from  Media type filter contains all media types.
  • Initial direction—the —the direction of the interaction . Options to choose from: Inbound, Outbound, or Internal.Service when it started. Initial direction can be either Inbound (initiated by an external party), Outbound (initiated by an agent to an external party), or Internal (initiated by an agent to another agent). By default, the Initial direction filter contains all directions.
  • Service name—the interaction plan's service name. Service name is used to differentiate multiple interaction plans with similar names or to group plans for reporting purposes. Value is null for interaction plans created in Interaction Plans Manager.From—the  By default, the Service name filter contains all service names.
  • Connect from—the address of the party that initiated the interaction; the source of the interaction. For a call, the address is a phone number. For a non-call , From is the source's phone number. 
  • To—the target destination of the interaction. For a phone call, To is the target phone number.


  • interaction, the address changes based upon the media type. For example, the address may be an email address for cases. For an inbound interaction, Connect from is the customer's address. For an outbound interaction, it is the agent's callback number. For an internal interaction, it is the agent's name. By default, the Connect from filter contains all addresses.
  • Connect to—the address of the party being contacted by the interaction; the target of the interaction. For a call, the address is a phone number. For a non-call interaction, the address changes based upon the media type. For example, the address may be an email address for cases. For an inbound interaction, Connect to is the address that the customer used when contacting VCC. For an outbound interaction, it is the address of the customer being contacted. For an internal interaction, this is the name of the agent being contacted. By default, the Connect to filter contains all addresses.
titleDetailed explanation of tiles

Table of Contents
indentDetailed explanation of tiles



results tile

The Search Resultsresults tile displays information about all interactions that meet the specified criteria. If you did not filter the data, the tile will display all interactions from the current week. 

The Search Resultsresults tile contains the following columns:

  • Interaction ID—the unique identifier for the interaction.
  • Start time—the beginning of period of time you want to analyze data forthe exact time and date on which the interaction started to the closest second in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format. For example, 2021-07-31 19:36:45.
  • Media manager—the origin application of the interaction. Choose from VCC (Vonage Contact Center), VBC (Vonage Business Cloud), or Salesforce. By default, the Media manager filter contains all media types.
  • Media type—the communication method used in the interaction. Choose from different media types available in your account, such as Phone, Phone Callback, and External Work. By default, the Media type filter contains all media types.
  • Initial direction—the —the direction of the interaction when it started. Initial direction can be either Inbound (initiated by an external party), Outbound (initiated by an agent to an external party), or Internal (initiated by an agent to another agent).
  • Service name—the interaction plan's service name. Service name is used to differentiate multiple interaction plans with similar names or to group plans for reporting purposes. Value is null for interaction plans created in Interaction Plans Manager.
  • From—the Connect from—the address of the party that initiated the interaction; the source of the interaction. For a call, the address is a phone number. For a non-call , From is the source's phone number. To—the target destination interaction, the address changes based upon the media type. For example, the address may be an email address for cases. For an inbound interaction, Connect from is the customer's address. For an outbound interaction, it is the agent's callback number. For an internal interaction, it is the agent's name.
  • Connect to—the address of the party being contacted by the interaction; the target of the interaction. For a call, the address is a phone number. For a non-call , To is the target phone number.
  • Handle time—the time the agent or agents spent handling the interaction.

In the following example:

  • The dashboard was filtered to show inbound phone calls from this week, that originated VCC, and came from the Billing Escalation interaction plan. Two interactions met this criteria:

    • A phone call on 26th October 2021 to the Billing Escalation interaction plan number that took 5 minutes and 37 seconds.

    • A phone call on 25th October 2021 to the Billing Escalation interaction plan number that took 7 minutes and 34 seconds. 


  • interaction, the address changes based upon the media type. For example, the address may be an email address for cases. For an inbound interaction, Connect to is the address that the customer used when contacting VCC. For an outbound interaction, it is the address of the customer being contacted. For an internal interaction, this is the name of the agent being contacted.
  • Handle time—the time that an agent or agents have spent working with an interaction in hh:mm:ss format. For example, 00:41:07. If multiple agents have handled the interaction, all agents' handle time in relation to the interaction is included. Handle time includes the time agents have spent in Alerting, Connected, and Wrap states, for interactions where an agent connected. For non-live interactions (cases), handle time does not include time when the interaction was interrupted or parked. 

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