If your ContactWorld If your Vonage Contact Center (VCC) account is enabled to use WebRTC, and you have the feature switched on for your individual agent account, you can make and receive calls using your usual computer or device; you do not need a physical telephone. For more information, see ContactPad with WebRTC.
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title | WebRTC for Vonage Contact Center extension |
You end a call using ContactPad in the usual way. For information about ending calls, see Ending an inbound call. To hang up, click Hangup.
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title | Making an outbound call using ContactPad with WebRTC |
Using ContactPad in the usual way, when you make an outbound call, instead of your telephone handset ringing, additional buttons appear within ContactPad and you hear a tone through your configured headset or speakers. For information about making an outbound call in the usual way, see Making an outbound call.
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If the person you are calling answers their phone, you are connected to the target number. You can hear the person who answers the phone through the speakers that you have configured and that person can hear you when you speak into your microphone.
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To send DTMF tones while the call is ongoing, click the arrow below the buttons to expand the panel and show the dial pad. |
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You end your outbound call in the same way as you would end a normal inbound call. For information about ending inbound calls, see Ending an inbound call. To hang up, click Hangup. The only difference is that all outbound calls receive the same amount of wrap up time, as set by your supervisor, while inbound calls receive a wrap up time that depends on the type of inbound call.
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title | Ending a call using ContactPad with WebRTC |
Previously, to use ContactPad with WebRTC , remember to set up audio devices properly. These devices include microphone, speakers, recording and playback equipment, and browser. ContactPad with WebRTC is only supported in Chrome. The first time you use ContactPad with WebRTC, your browser might ask permission to use the device's audio hardware. In Chrome Allow and Block buttons appear. Click Allow. |
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title | Enabling WebRTC in ContactPad |
To use ContactPad with WebRTC, perform the following steps:
In ContactPad, click Settings.
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A new dialog box appears. If your account has been configured to use WebRTC and you are permitted to control the feature yourself, the Use Softphone check box is available. |
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Select the Use Softphone check box to use ContactPad with WebRTC. Click Save. Next time you make or receive a call, ContactPad will use WebRTC.
You can use the Use Softphone check box to switch between using WebRTC and a physical telephone whenever you need to, without help from your supervisor.
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Your supervisor can also switch on WebRTC for you. For information for supervisors to switch on WebRTC for your account, see Enabling individual agents to use ContactPad with WebRTC. Whether you or your supervisor switches on WebRTC, the two methods have the same effect; updating one will change the other. |
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title | Receiving an inbound call using ContactPad with WebRTC |
Using ContactPad in the usual way, when you receive an incoming call, instead of your telephone handset ringing, additional buttons appear within ContactPad and you hear a tone through your configured headset or speakers. For information about receiving an inbound call in the usual way, see Receiving an inbound call.
If enabled for your account and in your browser, a web notification also appears. For more information, see Call notifications.
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- If you have auto-answer enabled for your account, Hangup and mute (a microphone icon) buttons appear and you are automatically connected to the caller.
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- If you do not have auto-answer enabled for your account, Accept and Reject buttons appear.
- To ignore the call, click Reject. The call ends.
- To answer the call, click Accept. You are connected to the caller. The Accept and Reject buttons are replaced with Hangup and mute buttons.
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When you are connected to the caller, you can hear the caller through the speakers that you have configured and the caller can hear you when you speak into your configured microphone.
You can perform any of the tasks described in Receiving an inbound call.
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To send DTMF tones while the call is ongoing, click the arrow below Hangup and mute buttons to expand the panel and show the dial pad. |
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You end a call using ContactPad with WebRTC in the usual way. For information on ending calls, see Ending an inbound call. To hang up, click Hangup.you had to install the WebRTC for Vonage Contact Center extension into their Chrome or Edge browser. In the near future, the extension will no longer work due to Google's changes to the way browser extensions work in Chromium-based browsers. Over the coming months, Vonage will migrate your accounts to using WebRTC without an extension. When your account has been migrated, we recommend that you disable or remove the WebRTC for Vonage Contact Center extension from your browsers. |
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title | Limitations when using ContactPad with WebRTC |
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Tip |
title | Best practices for using ContactPad with WebRTC |
When using ContactPad with WebRTC, you should follow these best practices: - Web browser:
- Hardware:
- Upgrade computer hardware if CPU or memory limits are being reached.
- Regularly restart computer, ideally daily.
- Use a wired Ethernet connection (rather than a wireless connection) to connect to the network. Disable WiFi.
- Software
- Remove any non-essential applications.
- Update audio and headset drivers to their latest versions.
- Other:
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