- Storage location shows the location of all interaction content. Each region has two storage locations. To change your storage location, contact Vonage support. When your storage location changes, future interaction content is stored in the new location.
Automatic deletion is On indicating that interaction content is being automatically deleted according to retention settings.
Automatically delete content older than contains the number of days after which Vonage deletes interaction content. The minimum value is 1 day.
Contracted data retention period displays the maximum number of days that Vonage will retain interaction content according to your Data Retention Service Description.
Info title Screen recordings Screen recordings are stored for a maximum of 30 days. Screen recordings are deleted along with the call recording if deleted after fewer than 30 days. Insert excerpt _ExcerptScreenRecordingRetention _ExcerptScreenRecordingRetention nopanel true Info title Visual Engagement meeting recordings Insert excerpt _ExcerptMeetingRecordingRetention _ExcerptMeetingRecordingRetention nopanel true
Last update displays the name of the user who last turned on the data retention settings for the account and the date and time they did so.