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 For more information about users, see User Admin.

In the User Admin area of the VCC Admin Portal, you can make multiple changes to one or more users in the account you are logged in to by adding them to the bulk actions box.

titleIn this page

Table of Contents


Who can I add




bulk actions



You can perform bulk actions on the following types of users:

  • ContactPad users. ContactPad users comprise all agent users, plus supervisors and admins users with access to ContacPad. For information about access to ContactPad, see User Admin. All users with access to ContactPad have an agent ID. You can enable access to ContacPad for an individual user in the user's License Status section. For information about configuring individual users, see Configuring individual users.
  • Wallboard users
  • Supervisor users
  • Admin users 

on all types of users.

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How do I add an existing user or users to bulk actions?

To the right of every user is a + icon to add the user to the bulk actions. If the icon is inactivestart adding users to bulk actions, you need to enable bulk actions mode. To do that, click Bulk actions at the top of the page. After enabling bulk actions mode, the top bulk actions section appears. This section contains the number of users added to bulk actions, a pencil icon, and a Close button. Click the pencil icon to open the bulk actions side panel in which you can edit users. Click Close to close the bulk actions top section. Clicking Yes, close in that dialog box removes users from bulk actions and closes the top bulk actions section. 

Top bulk actions sectionImage Added

Adding a single existing user

After enabling bulk actions mode, a plus sign (+) appears to the right of every user. If the icon is unavailable, you do not have permission to edit this user. For information about setting supervisor permissions, see Supervisor permissions in User Admin. To add a single user to the bulk actions box, click the plus sign (+ icon). The user appears in the bulk actions added to bulk actions and the information about the number of users in bulk actions increases. 

Adding all users assigned to a group

To add all users in an existing group to bulk actions, go to the bulk action box, click the Groups tabGroups tab. After enabling bulk actions mode, a plus sign (+) appears to the right of every group. Use search, or scroll through the list of groups, to find the group of users you want to add to Bulk bulk actions. You can add all users assigned to this group to the bulk actions box in the following ways:


 Click the plus sign (+) to add users. If the plus sign (+) is unavailable, you do not have permission to edit this group and manage users assigned to this group; you cannot add the users from this group to bulk actions. For information about setting supervisor permissions, see Supervisor permissions in User Admin.


 After adding users to bulk actions, the number of users added to bulk actions in the top bulk actions section increases.

Adding all users with a skill

To add all users with an existing skill to Bulk actions, click the Skills tabto bulk actions, go to the Skills tab. After enabling bulk actions mode, a plus sign (+) appears to the right of every skill. Use search, or scroll through the list of skills, to find the skill that is assigned to the users users with a skill you want to add to Bulk bulk actions.  You can add all users assigned to this skill to the bulk actions box in the following ways:

  • Click + icon on the right of the skill, next to the Edit icon. The users appear in the bulk actions box. 
  • Click Edit to open the skill in edit mode. Expand the list of the skill's users and click Add all users to Bulk Actions. The users appear in the bulk actions box.

Adding all users assigned to a schedule

To add all users assigned to an existing schedule to Bulk actions, click the Schedules tab. Use search, or scroll through the list of schedules, to find the schedule that the Click the plus sign (+) to add users. Only users you can edit will be added to bulk actions. For information about setting supervisor permissions, see Supervisor permissions in User Admin. After adding users to bulk actions, the number of users added to bulk actions in the top bulk actions section increases.

Adding users from bulk actions edit side panel 

After clicking the pencil icon to open the bulk actions side panel, you can add additional users to bulk actions. Click Select users. All the users you can edit appear in the dropdown list. Select the checkbox to the left of any users you want to add to the bulk actions box are assigned to. Click Edit to open the schedule in edit mode. Expand the list of the schedule's users and click Add all users to Bulk ActionsThe users appear in the bulk actions box. Click Apply.

Removing a user or users from


bulk actions

Bulk actions contains The bulk actions side panel shows all added users in the top section. To remove a user from the list, click X alongside the minus sign () alongside the user's name. To remove all users from the list click Clear listAlternatively click Select users. Clear the checkbox to the left of any users you want to remove from bulk actions. Click Apply.

How do I change one or more settings for more than one existing user at a time? 


Bulk actions side panel and available sections 

To open the bulk actions box, click <. You can then click > to collapse the box.side panel and start editing users, click the pencil icon in the top bulk actions section.

Top bulk sections section pencilImage Added

With the bulk actions the expandedside panel, you can make changes to the users in each of the following sections:

  • User status (Active/ArchivedLicense Status)
  • Agent Settingssettings
  • Routing Settingssettings (Skills and Groups)
  • Permission Settingssettings

Agent Settings settings and Routing Settings only settings only appear if at least one of the users in the bulk actions box is a ContactPad is acting as an agent user.

Permission Settings settings only appears if at least one of the users in the bulk actions box is a an admin, supervisor or wallboard user.

titleBulk actions permissions

You can edit sections in the bulk actions box side panel according to your permissions. For information about permissions in User Admin, see Accessing and finding your way around User Admin.

The Edit User permission allows you to edit following sections: the User status (Active/Archive, License Status, Agent Settings and Permission Settings) and Agent settings sections.

The Manage Routing Settings permission allows you to edit Routing Settings section.For the Routing settings sections (Skills and Groups) .

If any of the sections are not available, you do not have permissions to edit them. For information about editing linked account permissions, see Editing linked account permissions.

For information about the fields in any of these sections, see Configuring individual users.

User filtering

When you expand the sectionsopen a particular section in the bulk actions side panel, any users that the settings cannot be applied to , are filtered from the bulk action boxout. For example, expanding Permission Settings filters non-supervisor and non-wallboard users from the boxopening Agent settings filters users who do not act as agents, as you can only apply permission agent settings to supervisors and wallboard users.


agents, and supervisors, or admins, who also act as agents. The number of users that the settings will be applied to is shown in the badge next to the section title.  

Bulk actions side panel number of usersImage Added

Navigating through the bulk actions side panel

When you open bulk actions, the bulk actions side panel appears in front of the main screen. When you open specific sections (such as Agent settings or Skills), the new sections appear in the side panel. At the top of each screen, under the title, breadcrumbs appear, showing your location within the bulk actions side panel. You can move to previous screens or to the main bulk actions screen by clicking the breadcrumbs. Your current location is marked in purple.

Bulk actions side panel breadcrumbsImage Added

Changing settings

When you expand the sections, any open the bulk actions side panel, all available settings are, by default, empty or not selected. No shared settings are highlighted or are selected in lists. In the following example, all users share a Physical Location and a Virtual Location of the United Kingdom so United Kingdom is selected in both lists. The users have a mixture of National and International settings so the In Country Display setting is not highlighted, and a mixture of telephony regions so no value is selected in the Telephony Region list. All users have the enforced disposition codes feature enabled, but none have WebRTC enabled so these settings are highlighted. All users use the default Outbound Wrap Timeout; a custom, but different, value for Agent No Answer Timeout; a custom and the same value (30 seconds) for Agent Line Busy Timeout; and a mixture of default and custom values for Agent Invalid Number Timeout and Agent Network Issue Timeout. Finally, all have the Sales English skill. 

Shared user settingsImage Removed

Changing settings

As you change the information in the fields, undo icons appear alongside those fields. The number of performed changes appears in the Apply button at the bottom of the bulk actions box.

listed. Only settings that you change or add will be applied to users in bulk actions.

For example, if all users—either agent users or users who are acting as agents—added to bulk actions have a different value set in Location, in the Agent settings section, value of Location will be 'Not selected'. Setting Location to 'United Kingdom +44' in bulk actions will update the value of Location for all users.

UserOriginal LocationUpdated Location
1United Kingdom +44United Kingdom +44
2United Kingdom +44United Kingdom +44
3Poland +48United Kingdom +44
4Poland +48United Kingdom +44
5Italy +39

United Kingdom +44

If these same users have a mixture of assigned skills and levels, in the Skills section, Add skills and Remove skills will be empty.
Selecting 'English' in Add skills and setting the level of that skill to '8' will add the English skill at level 8. If a user already had that skill at level 8, no changes would be applied. If they had that skill at a different level, their level would be changed to level 8. If the user didn't have the skill, they would be given it at level 8.
Selecting 'French' in Remove skills would remove the French skill from any user who had it.

UserOriginal skills and levelsUpdated skills and level
2English—5English—8 (increased level)
English—8 (added)

French—2 (removed)
English—8 (added)


French—3 (removed)
English—8 (added)

User status

Bulk actions side panel user status sectionImage Added

The User status section contains configuration for all users added to bulk actions. By default, fields have no value selected. You can set the users' status to archived or active. The image above shows the current status of the users in bulk actions. If you click to activate the agent users a warning message about possible additional charges or failures after activating those agents may appear. This warning message appears according to your license configuration. For information about license configuring, see Configuring licenses. Either accept these possible charges and failures or discard user status changes to continue making changes in bulk actions side panel. 

Bulk actions side panel user activation warningImage Added

Two-factor authentication

The Two-factor authentication section contains configuration for all users added to bulk action.  By default, the field has no value selected. You can switch two-factor authentication on or off for users added to bulk actions. For more information about two-factor authentication, see Two-factor authentication (email) or Two-factor authentication (SMS) — early access.

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Agent settings

Bulk actions side panel agent settingsImage Added 

The Agent settings section contains all available configuration for users who act like agents. By default, all fields are empty or have no value selected and you start with an empty form. You can specify the users' location, set the same phone number for all users, enable user-level features, or configure users' timeouts. To the right of specific timeout, the Default | Custom toggle appears. If you select Default, all users are updated with the default value specified for the account. If you select Custom, the new field appears in which you can specify a customer value. If you provide a value, this value will be applied as a custom configuration for all users added to bulk actions. If you don't want to provide custom value, click X to go back to the original state. 

Bulk actions side panel custom settingsImage Added

Routing settings—Skills

The Skills section contains Add skills and Remove skills. In Add skills, you can specify which skills you want to assign to users added to bulk actions. You can also provide specific levels for added skills. In Remove skills, you can choose skills you want to remove from users.  

In the following example, after applying changes, the five users added to bulk actions will have AustralianSkills (level 9), ChineseSkill (level 3), and EnglishSkill (level 10). JapaneseSkill and GermanSkill will be removed if any of the users from bulk actions had those skills. All other skill configurations for users added to bulk actions stays the same.

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Routing settings—Groups

The Groups section contains Add groups and Remove groups. In Add groups, you can specify which groups you want to add users from bulk actions to. In Remove groups, you can select groups to remove users from.  

In the following example, after applying changes, five users will be added to AustraliaGroup, CaliforniaGroup, ChinaGroup, EnglishGroup, and will be removed from NewYorkGroup. All other groups configuration for users added to bulk actions stays the same.

Image Added

Permissions settings—Group permissions

The Groups permissions section contains Add groups and Remove groups. In Add groups, you can specify which groups of users you want to give users in bulk actions permissions to configure. In Remove groups, you can select groups to remove users from.

In the following example, after applying changes, one user will be given Edit permission for B Group and View permission for C Group, and permissions will be removed from this user for Little Group. All other group permissions for the users added to bulk actions stays the same.

Image Added

Permissions settings—Feature permissions

The Feature permissions section contains Select feature permissions. In Select feature permissions, you can search for and select features that you want to give users from bulk actions permissions to use. When you have chosen the features you want to give permissions for, click Apply. Next select the required permission level for the users. Select from No | Yes or No | Read | Modify. You must set a permission level for all the features you have selected.

In the following example, after applying changes, two users will be given permission to access Interaction Plans Architect and to delete call recording comments, but will not have permission to view their own audit logs. The users will also have permission to modify Data Router applets. All other feature permissions for the users added to bulk actions stays the same.

Feature permissions (bulk actions)Image Added

Saving changes

To save your changes, click Apply changes.

Undoing changes

To cancel your changes in a single field, click the undo icon alongside the field to revert the contents of the field to the saved version.

Bulk actions progress

When you apply changes, the Bulk actions progress screen appears. At the top of the side panel, a progress bar indicates the progress of updating users. Below the progress bar, user update statuses appear dynamically in the table. All users with successful updates appear in the Passed section with a result of OK. If any of the updates fail, the users appear in the Failed section and appropriate result messages are displayed.

After updating all users, you can make one of the following choices:

  • Continue: go back to main bulk actions screen and continue making bulk changes.
  • Exit bulk actions: stop making changes in bulk actions. This closes both the bulk actions side panel and the bulk actions top section.

Cancelling changes 

To cancel all your changes, click Cancel. Insert excerpt_ExcerptLicenseAndPermissions_ExcerptLicenseAndPermissionsnopaneltrue. If you have any unsaved changes, a dialog box will appear to ask you to confirm that you want to cancel you changes.