How do I configure how often Connect refreshes dynamic Dial Lists and how many Dial Entries Connect creates?
When a supervisor creates a Dial List, Connect does not create all the Dial Entries. To save processing time and to avoid Dial List data becoming stale, Connect creates just a few entries when required and refreshes the lists on a configurable schedule. For more information about how Connect refreshes Dial Lists, see Dynamic Dial Lists.
By default, Connect creates 20 Dial Entries and refreshes lists every five minutes while an agent or agents are working on the lists. You can configure the number of Dial Entries that Connect creates and how often Connect refreshes Dial Lists. You configure these in the Cache size and Cache expire time (s) fields in custom settings. For information about these fields, see Creating or editing custom settings for Connect.
In versions of Connect earlier than 16.101 you could configure automatic and scheduled refreshing of Dial Lists. If you configured one or both of these features, you must remove the relevant configuration. For information about removing automatic and scheduled refreshing, see Removing automatic dial list refresh configuration and Removing scheduled dial list refresh configuration.