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Filter-only fields

Duration target

This defines the duration (in ms/s/min/hours) for the Duration target met dimension. The duration target unit depends on the Duration unit value. By default, this is set to miliseconds. 

Adding Duration target as a dashboard filter allows you to dynamically change the target duration dimension.

Duration unit

This sets the unit (ms/s/min/hours) for duration measures.

Adding Duration unit as a dashboard filter allows you to dynamically change duration units.

Offset unit

This sets the unit (ms/s/min/hours) for offset measures.

Adding Offset unit as a dashboard filter allows you to dynamically change offset units.



IdThe unique identifier for a conversation. A conversation can contain multiple interactions, for example, an inbound call, a queued callback, and a subsequent callback attempt.


Connect fromThe source of the interaction. For a phone interaction, this is the source's phone number.

Connect toThe target destination of the interaction. For a phone interaction, this is the target phone number.

IdThe unique identifier for an interaction.

Initial directionThe initial direction of the interaction—one of Inbound, Outbound, or Internal.

Interaction planThe name of the initial/destination/target interaction plan in which the interaction started.

Interaction plan mappingThe mapping that connects the destination/interaction's Connect From to an interaction plan.

Media managerThe origin application of the interaction. One of VCC (Vonage Contact Centre) or VBC (Vonage Business Cloud).

Media typeThe communication method used in the interaction.

Service nameThe interaction plan's service name. Service name is used to differentiate multiple interaction plans with similar names. Value is null for interaction plans created in Interaction Plans Manager.

StatusThe current state of the interaction. One of Ongoing, Completed, or InternalError.

Interaction - start bucket

1 hour

The hour of the day in which the interaction started.

For example 11.

Day of week

The day of the week in which the interaction started.

For example Wednesday.

This dimension is commonly used to filter out interactions over the weekend.

Month (name)

The month of the year in which the interaction started.

For example October.

Time of day

The time of day in which the interaction started.

For example 11:05.


The year in which the interaction started.

For example 2021.

Interaction - start date

15 min

The time and date on which the interaction started to the closest 15 minute period. In YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm format.

For example, 2021-07-31 19:15.


The date on which the interaction started. In YYYY-MM-DD format.

For example, 2021-07-31.


The month in which the interaction started. In YYYY-MM format.

For example, 2021-07.


The quarter in which the interaction started. In YYYY-Qx format.

For example, 2021-Q3.


The exact time and date on which the interaction started to the closest second. In YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format.

For example, 2021-07-31 19:36:45.


The week in which the interaction started. In YYYY-MM-DD format.

For example, 2021-07-26.

Interaction channel

Agent Id

The ID of the party if the Role is Agent, or CCRConnect if the call was handled by a Call Connect Router applet. Value is null when Role is External and Monitoring.

End reason

The reason the channel ended, for example, Released, Busy, and NoAnswer.

There is a known issue where End Reason is always reported as Released.

IdThe unique identifier for the channel.

RoleThe role of the party—one of External, Agent, or Monitor.

SequenceZero-based number of the party on a call or other interaction.

TouchpointThe address of the party, such as a phone number or email address (if known). For secure payment channels, the value is AgentAssist.

Interaction event

Applet type

The type of applet that the interaction entered at the time of the event.

To get only records with a value in this dimension, filter by Interaction Events Type equals 'Applet'.

Audio problem

The problem with the audio that the agent reported. Value is null for any interactions that are not calls. This is only populated for phone interactions. For information about audio problems, see Reporting problems.

To get only records with a value in this dimension, filter by Interaction Events Type equals 'AudioProblemReported'.

Call rating

The rating that the agent gave the interaction. Value is null for any interactions that are not calls. For information about call ratings, see Post Call Quality Rating.

To get only records with a value in this dimension, filter by Interaction Events Type equals 'CallRating'.

Data source value

The value of a data source associated with the interaction. Only available when a data source has been mapped using Data Source Mapping. For information about data source mapping, see Data Source Mappings.

To get only records with a value in this dimension, filter by Interaction Events Type equals 'DataSourceValueAquired'.


The outcome of the interaction set by the agent. For information about disposition codes, see Disposition codes.

To get only records with a value in this dimension, filter by Interaction Events Type equals 'Disposition'.


The duration that the event lasted as a number. By default, in milliseconds.

Duration for some event types is always 0.

Duration (time)The time that the event lasted in [h]:mm:ss format.

Duration target metThe indication (yes/no) if the duration of the event matches the specified duration target filter.  

Initiating agent IdThe ID of the agent who caused the channel event. Currently only available when an agent puts an interaction on hold.

NameThe name of the queue, applet, interaction plan, or data source in events of the respective types.

OffsetThe duration after the start of the interaction that the event started. By default, in milliseconds.

Offset (time)The duration after the start of the interaction that the event started in [h]:mm:ss format.

SequenceThe order in which the event started within its channel. The first event is numbered 0.


The subtype of a Held event—one of the following values:

  • Held
    • A phone interaction is placed on hold
  • Interrupted
    • When a non-live interaction (for example, a case) is automatically interrupted by the system to take a higher priority interaction
  • Parked
    • When a non-live interaction (for example, a case) is parked by the user or by the system


The type of event.  Possible values are:

  • Held
    • The period in which a channel was on hold. For a phone interaction, this is when any party is hearing hold music. See SubType dimension to report on different types of Held.
  • Ringing (also known as Alerting)
    • For a phone interaction, this is the time that the destination user's device was ringing. For other interactions, this is the period in which the user was being offered the interaction before accepting. Ringing events with a Duration of 0 are reported when a party connects to an interaction within a ringing period (inbound channel, or auto accept).
  • Connected
    • The period of time in which any party was taking part in the interaction.
  • Wrap
    • The time when an agent was wrapping up their involvement in an interaction. The agent is not connected to other parties during this period.
  • DeliveryFailed
    • Only possible on an agent channel. DeliveryFailed will follow a Ringing period, and indicates that the interaction was unable to connect. The Name dimension details the reason. Depending on the VCC configuration, agents will remain in this state until they change it manually, or the state changes automatically after a configured period of time.
  • Queue
    • The time in which a party is queuing. See the Queue Properties dimension for the results of the queue period.
  • AgentQueue - Coming soon...
    • The time in which an agent was queuing during a warm transfer to queue. See the Queue Properties dimension for the results of the queue period.
  • CallRecording
    • The time in which the channel's audio was being recorded. Only reported on phone interactions. 
  • Applet
    • Marks when an interaction entered an Applet. Applet type events have a Duration of 0. See the Applet Type and Name dimensions to report on the applet type and configured applet name.
  • DataSourceValueAcquired
    • Marks when a mapped data source value is captured within an Interaction Plan. DataSourceValueAcquired type events have a Duration of 0. See the Data Source Value and Name dimensions to report on the value captured and data source's name.
  • AudioProblemReported
    • Marks when an audio problem has been reported by an agent on a phone interaction. AudioProblemReported type events have a Duration of 0. See the Audio Problem dimension to report on the classification of the problem.
  • Parked
    • Only available for phone interactions, this is the period in which a phone call was parked to handle another phone call.
  • InteractionPlan
    • Marks when an interaction enters an interaction plan. Ends when the interaction enters another interaction plan, or when the interaction ends.
  • Interrupted
    • The period in which a non-live interaction was interrupted to handle a higher priority interaction.
  • Abandoned
    • Marks when an agent abandons an interaction. Abandoned type events have a Duration of 0. Agents should only abandon interactions in the event of a system error.
  • Disposition
    • Marks when a disposition code is set on an interaction by an agent. Disposition type events have a Duration of 0. Multiple disposition codes can be set on the same agent channel and across agent channels.
  • CallRating
    • Marks when an agent rates the audio quality of a phone interaction. CallRating type events have a Duration of 0. See the Call Rating field to report on the classification of the problem.

Interaction event - end bucket

1 hourThe hour of the day in which the interaction event ended. For example 11.

Day of weekThe day of the week in which the interaction event ended. For example Wednesday.

Month (name)The month of the year in which the interaction event ended. For example October.

Time of dayThe time of day in which the interaction event ended. For example 11:05.

YearThe year in which the interaction event ended. For example 2021.

15 minutes

The time of day in which the interaction event ended, rounded down to the nearest 15 minutes. For example 11:15.

Interaction event - end date

15 minThe time and date on which the interaction event ended to the closest 15 minute period in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm format. For example, 2021-07-31 19:15.

DateThe date on which the interaction event ended in YYYY-MM-DD format. For example, 2021-07-31.

MonthThe month in which the interaction event ended in YYYY-MM format. For example, 2021-07.

QuarterThe quarter in which the interaction event ended in YYYY-Qx format. For example, 2021-Q3.

TimeThe exact time and date on which the interaction event ended to the closest second in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format. For example, 2021-07-31 19:36:45.

WeekThe week in which the interaction event ended in YYYY-MM-DD format. For example, 2021-07-26.

YearThe year in which the interaction event ended in YYYY format. For example, 2021.

Interaction event - queue

Presented SkillsA comma-separated list of skills that the interaction was tagged with when it entered the queue. 

Queue nameThe name of the queue entered.


The outcome of a queue event. Possible values are:

  • Delivered
    • Successfully connected to an agent
  • HangUp
    • Queueing party ended the interaction when in the queue
  • Various breakouts (when these occur the interaction was routed elsewhere in the interaction plan). For information about breakouts, see Breakouts or Configuring breakouts:
    • VoluntaryBreakout
      • Queueing Party selected a voluntary breakout option
    • QueueCapacityBreakout
      • Queue was at capacity when the interaction attempted to enter
    • QueueTimeBreakout
      • Interaction queued for the maximum configured queue duration
    • NoAgentsBreakout
      • No agents were logged in and serving the queue/skill combination required
    • MaxEstimatedWaitTime
      • Estimated wait time was at the configured maximum when entering the queue
    • AgentDeclineBreakout
      • Interaction was offered to an agent's personal queue and they declined it
  • Cancelled outcoumes (these are only possible on an AgentQueue event type):
    • AgentRecall - Coming soon...
      • Queuing agent cancelled the queue event and recalled the customer
    • AgentTransfer - Coming soon...
      • Queuing agent transferred the party on hold into the queue and left the interaction

Virtual QueuesA comma-separated list of virtual queues that the interaction entered.

Interaction event - start bucket

1 hourThe hour of the day in which the interaction event started. For example 11.

Day of weekThe day of the week in which the interaction event started. For example Wednesday.

Month (name)The month of the year in which the interaction event started. For example October.

Time of dayThe time of day in which the interaction event started. For example 11:05.

YearThe year in which the interaction event started. For example 2021.

15 minutes

The time of day in which the interaction event started, rounded down to the nearest 15 minutes. For example 11:15.

Interaction event - start date

15 minThe time and date on which the interaction event started to the closest 15 minute period in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm format. For example, 2021-07-31 19:15.

DateThe date on which the interaction event started in YYYY-MM-DD format. For example, 2021-07-31.

MonthThe month in which the interaction event started in YYYY-MM format. For example, 2021-07.

QuarterThe quarter in which the interaction event started in YYYY-Qx format. For example, 2021-Q3.

TimeThe exact time and date on which the interaction event started to the closest second in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format. For example, 2021-07-31 19:36:45.

WeekThe week in which the interaction event started in YYYY-MM-DD format. For example, 2021-07-26.

YearThe year in which the interaction event started in YYYY format. For example, 2021.

Event countThe number of events shown by the selected dimensions.

Event duration

AverageThe average duration of events shown by the selected dimensions. By default, the average duration is expressed in milliseconds.

MaximumThe maximum duration of events shown by the selected dimensions. By default, the maximum duration is expressed in milliseconds.

MinimumThe minimum duration of events shown by the selected dimensions. By default, the minimum duration is expressed in milliseconds.

TotalThe total duration of events shown by the selected dimensions. By default, the total duration is expressed in milliseconds.

Event duration (time)

AverageThe average duration of events shown by the selected dimensions in [h]:mm:ss format.

MaximumThe maximum duration of events shown by the selected dimensions in [h]:mm:ss format.

MinimumThe minimum duration of events shown by the selected dimensions in [h]:mm:ss format.

TotalThe total duration of events shown by the selected dimensions in [h]:mm:ss format.

Event duration percentile

2ndThe duration in which 2% of all selected interaction event durations occurred. By default, the duration is expressed in milliseconds.

25thThe duration in which 25% of all selected interaction event durations occurred. By default, the duration is expressed in milliseconds.

50thThe duration in which 50% (the median) of all selected interaction event durations occurred. By default, the duration is expressed in milliseconds.

75thThe duration in which 75% of all selected interaction event durations occurred. By default, the duration is expressed in milliseconds.

90thThe duration in which 90% of all selected interaction event durations occurred. By default, the duration is expressed in milliseconds.

98thThe duration in which 90% of all selected interaction event durations occurred. By default, the duration is expressed in milliseconds.

Event duration percentile (time)

2ndThe duration in which 2% of all selected interaction event durations occurred, in [h]:mm:ss format.

25thThe duration in which 25% of all selected interaction event durations occurred, in [h]:mm:ss format.

50thThe duration in which 50% (the median) of all selected interaction event durations occurred, in [h]:mm:ss format.

75thThe duration in which 75% of all selected interaction event durations occurred, in [h]:mm:ss format.

90thThe duration in which 90% of all selected interaction event durations occurred, in [h]:mm:ss format.

98thThe duration in which 90% of all selected interaction event durations occurred, in [h]:mm:ss format.

Event end date

MaximumThe newest end date time of all selected interaction events. For example, 2021-07-31 19:36:45.

MinimumThe oldest end date time of all selected interaction events. For example, 2021-07-31 10:48:55.

Event offset

AverageThe average offset shown by the selected dimensions. By default, the average offset is expressed in milliseconds.

MaximumThe maximum offset shown by the selected dimensions. By default, the maximum offset is expressed in milliseconds.

MinimumThe minimum offset shown by the selected dimensions. By default, the minimum offset is expressed in milliseconds.

TotalThe total offset shown by the selected dimensions. By default, the total offset is expressed in milliseconds.

Event offset (time)

AverageThe average offset shown by the selected dimensions in [h]:mm:ss format.

MaximumThe maximum offset shown by the selected dimensions in [h]:mm:ss format.

MinimumThe minimum offset shown by the selected dimensions in [h]:mm:ss format.

TotalThe total offset shown by the selected dimensions in [h]:mm:ss format.

Event start date

MaximumThe newest start date time of all selected interaction events. For example, 2021-07-31 19:36:45.

MinimumThe oldest start date time of all selected interaction events. For example, 2021-07-31 10:48:55.

Handle timeThe total handle time for agents on the interaction. By default, the handle time is expressed in milliseconds.

Handle time (time)The total handle time for agents on the interaction in [h]:mm:ss format.

Interaction countReport a value of one for each interaction even if multiple events are selected,

Interaction start date

MaximumThe newest start date time of all selected interactions. For example, 2021-07-31 19:36:45.

MinimumThe oldest start date time of all selected interactions. For example, 2021-07-31 10:48:55.
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