Changing presence status while on a call (setting intended state) in Vonage Premier for Service Cloud Voice

If enabled for your account, while on a call you can set the presence status you will be in (your intended state) when your call ends. Change your presence status in your Omni-Channel widget or utility in the usual way

If you change your status to any status other than Offline, your status change isn't applied until the call ends, including wrap.
If you change your status to Offline, Salesforce prompts you to confirm the change as your status will change and the call will end immediately.

Presence statuses in Salesforce in multiple browser tabs

If you are using Salesforce in one browser tab, if you then open Salesforce in a new tab, the new tab becomes the active tab. Your presence status in the new tab is Available. Your presence status in the original tab changes to Offline.

Expected behavior

Changing the presence status in the original tab to Available will make that tab the active one again.

Known problem

If there is an active call, changing the presence status to any status other than Offline in any tab other than the active tab, ends the call immediately. The Omni-Channel utility is corrupted. Refresh the page to fix Omni-Channel.

To avoid this problem, do not change your presence status in any old or inactive Salesforce tabs during a call.

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