Vonage Contact Center call logging in Zendesk

Vonage logs the following call information in Zendesk:

At the start of the call:
"Inbound Call From" + the caller's telephone number

The number that the call was made from.
For example:
Inbound Call From 01234567890

"Outbound Call To" + the outbound telephone numberThe number that the agent is calling.
For example:
Outbound Call To 01234567890 
Received byThe name and ID of the agent who received or made the call.
For example:
Received by Agent X (123) 

Call Start Time

The start time of the call as recorded in the agent's browser—standard Zendesk ticket behavior.
For example:
Wed Jul 30 2014 08:57:14 GMT+0100 (GMT Daylight Time) 
Customer DialledThe telephone number that the caller dialed.
For example:
Customer Dialled: 01234567890 
Unique Call IdA unique number given to each call.
For example:
Unique Call Id: 01478588-3cec-4f5a-acc1-6d8445706d7e 
After the call has ended, VCC will store the information using Zendesk Talk API's Voice Comments, which allows basic reporting within Zendesk:
Call End Time The end time of the call as recorded in the agent's browser—standard Zendesk ticket behavior.
For example:
Wed Jul 30 2014 09:03:12 GMT+0100 (GMT Daylight Time) 
Call DurationThe duration of the call in hours, minutes, and seconds.
For example:

Call Recording

A link to a recording of the call recording is only available if recording is enabled for your account. The call recording is stored in Vonage Call Recordings. You can therefore only access the recording if you have the correct permissions within Vonage. For information on the permissions required to access call recordings, see Vonage Contact Center users.YesYes


Inbound call logging

Inbound call logging

Outbound call logging

Outbound call logging

Support and documentation feedback

For general assistance, please contact Customer Support.

For help using this documentation, please send an email to docs_feedback@vonage.com. We're happy to hear from you. Your contribution helps everyone at Vonage! Please include the name of the page in your email.