Title: | Setting up a Create Dial List button | |
Owner: | Helen Griffith | |
Creator: | Helen Griffith | Jul 09, 2014 |
Last Changed by: | Helen Griffith | Feb 01, 2018 |
Tiny Link: (useful for email) | https://docs-vcc.atlassian.net/wiki/x/4QElAw | |
Export As: | Word · PDF |
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Vonage Contact Center PILOT Product Documentation for Summer '21 (1)
Creating a Create Dial List button for a custom object |
Vonage Contact Center Product Documentation (9)
Adding a Create Dial List button to a List View page for a custom object Adding a Create Dial List button to a List View page for a standard object Adding a custom button to a Dial List list view Configuring Connect Connect setup overview Creating a Create Dial List button for a custom object Creating a Create Dial List button for a standard object Creating the VisualForce page for a Create Dial List button Setting up users, permissions and sharing rules |
Children (5)
Creating the VisualForce page for a Create Dial List button
Creating a Create Dial List button for a standard object
Creating a Create Dial List button for a custom object
Adding a Create Dial List button to a List View page for a standard object
Adding a Create Dial List button to a List View page for a custom object
Creating the VisualForce page for a Create Dial List button
Creating a Create Dial List button for a standard object
Creating a Create Dial List button for a custom object
Adding a Create Dial List button to a List View page for a standard object
Adding a Create Dial List button to a List View page for a custom object
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