Mapping actions to and from case statuses

Mapping actions to and from case statuses

Unite (omni-channel routing) is deprecated

Unite (omni-channel routing) is now deprecated. To route cases, use Salesforce external routing.

For  information, see Integration with Salesforce external routing in Vonage Contact Center omni-channel solution.

If you have Unite enabled for your Salesforce org, when Salesforce receives a message through a configured channel, Salesforce creates a new case. A case has a Status field that you can map to and from actions. For example, you can configure Vonage Contact Center to automatically update the value of the Status field to Closed when an agent clicks Release in ContactPad. Alternatively, you can configure Vonage Contact Center to release the case when an agent manually changes the Status field of the case to Awaiting Reply.

For information about actions, see Omni-channel routing actions in Unite.

The status values are examples and may not be appropriate for your organization. You must create any statuses you require in addition to those provided by default. For information on creating statuses, see Creating case statuses.

To map actions to and from case statuses, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the Administration Setup Page in Salesforce.
  2. On the left-hand side of the Salesforce window, in the App Setup or Build section, expand Develop.
  3. In the expanded list of items, click Custom SettingsCustom Settings appears.
  4. Locate the item in the list with the following values:

    Namespace Prefix

    To the left of the item, click Manage. The default or existing settings appear.

  5. For a new installation, you must create new default settings.

    To create the default level settings at Org level, click New in the Default Organization Level Value section.
    To create the default level settings at profile or user level, click New in the lower section.
    To make changes to existing settings, click Edit alongside the settings you want to edit.

    Edit settings

    New settings

    NvmRouting Edit appears.

  6. Provide the following information:

    Case Status to set on agent release

    The value that Vonage Contact Center sets a case's Status to when the agent clicks Release in ContactPad. If you provide no value, the status does not change.

    For example:
    Awaiting Reply

    Case Status to set on assign to Agent

    The value that Vonage Contact Center sets a case's Status to when the case is assigned to an agent. If you provide no value, the status does not change.

    For example, In Progress.

    Case Statuses to Release

    The values of a case's Status that cause Vonage Contact Center to release the case. Provide multiple values on separate lines.

    For example:
    Awaiting Reply

    Cases Statuses to Route

    The values of a case's Status that cause Vonage Contact Center to route the case to an agent. Provide multiple values on separate lines.

    For example:
    Requires Attention

    Case owner routing timeout (Logged in) and Case owner routing timeout (Logged out)

    The time, in seconds, that Vonage Contact Center tries to route a case to the case owner. These settings apply to existing cases that the case owner has already dealt with, or all cases if the TryRouteNewCaseToCaseOwner check box is selected.

    You can set different values for case owners who are logged in and who are logged out. If the agent who owns the case is logged in, you might want Vonage Contact Center to wait a longer time for the agent to become available than if the agent is logged out. If the agent is logged out they may not be working, so Vonage Contact Center should not wait for that agent to become available and instead try to route the case to another agent.

    You can configure these settings for each individual cases. For information on overriding the settings, see Creating a field update that overrides routing timeouts.


    Determines whether or not Vonage Contact Center attempts to puts a new case into the personal queue of an agent (the case owner).

    A new case does not have a case owner until the case is routed to an agent who then becomes the case owner. However you can configure a case assignment rule to set a case owner value when creating the case. For information on case assignment rules, see Salesforce help.

    Click Save. Your changes are saved.

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